ProSafe 5 AP Wireless Management Software WMS105
To set up MAC Authentication:
1.On the Configuration tab, select Security > Basic > MAC Authentication:
A maximum of 512 MAC addresses can be supported.
2.Select the Apply to all groups checkbox to apply the settings to all managed access points regardless of group.
3.Select the Turn Access Control On checkbox if you want the access point to interact only with stations present in the Trusted Wireless Stations table. This provides an additional layer of security.
4.Select one of the following databases:
•Local MAC Address Database: The access point uses the local MAC address table for access control.
•Remote MAC Address Database: The access point uses the MAC address table on an external Radius server on the LAN for access control.
5.Make sure the correct wireless stations are in the Trusted Wireless Stations list. If you are using access control, only these stations are allowed access to the network through this access point.
•To remove a wireless station from this table, click Delete.
•To add a wireless station to this table, enter a MAC address and click Add.
•To move a wireless station from the Available Wireless Stations list to the Trusted Wireless Stations list, select it, and click Move.
6.Click Apply so that your changes take effect.
22 Chapter 4: Security Configuration