Chapter 3—Software/Driver Installation
3.Copy files from floppy to a temporary directory on hard drive.
>mkdir /isi
>cd /isi
>cp /mnt/floppy/kernel_2.2.x/* /isi
After you have copied the installation tar file to a folder, use the command 'tar xvf isilinux.tar' to untar (unzip or
LINUX: Driver installation and loading
Execute the 'Install' script to build the driver and to copy the driver and firmware files to the required folder.
>cd /isi
To view busy I/O address space on your system, enter
To view busy IRQs, enter: cat /proc/interrupts
You must load the driver before you can load the firmware. You can load the driver manually using the 'insmod' utility. For ISI cards with the ISA bus, the I/O base address and the IRQ required by the card also need to be passed as parameters to insmod (this does not apply to
insmod isicom io=card1, ... card4 irq=card1,
... card4