Contents |
Chapter 1 - Introduction |
Introduction | 7 |
Front Panel | 8 |
Front Panel Description | 8 |
Back Panel | 8 |
Back Panel Description | 8 |
Typical Applications | 9 |
Connecting a Remote Site via Cable Modem | 9 |
Connecting a Local Site to the Internet | 9 |
Specifications | 10 |
Chapter 2 - Hardware Installation |
Hardware Installation | 12 |
Safety | 12 |
Unpacking the RF802EW | 12 |
Cabling | 13 |
Chapter 3 - Software Installation and Configuration |
Software Installation and Configuration | 15 |
Software Installation | 15 |
Using RouteFinder Setup Wizard | 16 |
Testing your Connection | 24 |
Chapter 4 - Telnet | 25 |
Using Telnet to Configure your RouteFinder | 26 |
Chapter 5 - RouteFinder Manager |
RouteFinder Manager | 33 |
General Settings | 34 |
WAN Ethernet Segment | 35 |
Async Port | 35 |
Remote | 40 |
Enable IP Mapping - Virtual Server | 41 |
Port Settings | 42 |
Edit Login Script for Remote Access | 43 |
Writing a login script for IP Routing | 43 |
Modem String Settings | 45 |
LAN DHCP Server | 46 |
Routing Settings | 48 |
Routing Table | 49 |
Filter Settings | 50 |
Wireless Settings | 53 |
Refresh Device List | 54 |
Device Name and Password | 54 |
Save Settings to File | 55 |
Load Settings | 55 |
Upgrade Firmware | 56 |
General Diagnostic | 57 |
Chapter 6 - RouteFinder Monitor |