Chapter 5 - RouteFinder Manager
Note: Level one is the highest level, level sixteen is the lowest privilege level.
Let’s say you configure a filter rule for IP address with a privilege level of 16 to Pass using socket number 80. At the same time, you set the same filter rule to block IP Address with a privilege level of one. The RF802EW will implement the filter to block the IP address because the privilege level is higher.
Note: If conflicting rules have the same privilege level, then the RF802EW will block the packet.
Click Insert to add each IP address to the list.
To remove a defined packet, select the packet you’d like to delete from the table and click Delete.
Packets defined by User
If you choose to define by User, you must define the byte pattern of the packets. The RF802EW uses the defined byte patterns to block or pass packets from the WAN or from the LAN.
1.In the Block dialog box, select Enable Block User Defined Pattern Function.
2.In the Packets defined by User list, select From LAN or From WAN.
Starting from which byte number
Indicate the first byte in the packet the RF802EW should read to determine if the byte pattern (in Hex) is one that should be filtered. Exclude the PPP header. Start from byte 0 of the network protocol.
Byte Pattern (in Hex)
Enter the packet byte pattern that you would like the RF802EW to recognize as a packet to be filtered. (Block/Pass from the WAN to the LAN). The maximum pattern size is 12 bytes.
Click Insert to add each byte pattern to the table.
To delete a defined packet, select the packet in the table and click Delete.
Enable Client Filter Settings
The Client Filter allows you to decide which services are allowed into your network and which clients are authorized to access them.
1.From the Filter Settings dialog box, select Enable Client Filter Settings.
2.Click Client Filter Settings.
3.The Filter Settings dialog box displays.