Appendix B - Tools for your RF802EW
RouteFinder Monitor
If you are having problems, the RouteFinder Monitor can be a valuable tool to assist in troubleshooting. Additional troubleshooting information is available through the
Ping is an acronym for Packet Internet Groper. The PING utility is used as a diagnostic tool to determine if a communication path exists between two devices on the network. The utility sends a packet to the specified address and then waits for a reply. PING is used primarily to troubleshoot Internet connections, but it can be used to test the connection between any devices using the TCP/IP protocol.
There are two tools which are helpful in finding a computer’s IP configuration, MAC address and default gateway.
WINIPCFG (for Windows 95/98)
1.Select Start Run and type winipcfg.
2.The IP address, default gateway (the RF802EW IP address), and the MAC (adapter address) display.
IPCONFIG (for Window NT/2000)
1.From a DOS Prompt, type IPCONFIG and press Enter.
2.The IP address, default gateway (the RF802EW IP address), and the MAC (adapter address) display.