Flash Status
This section reports the current contents of the DCM's Flash storage. There may
be one or several partitions of Flash memory in use. If a partition is not in use, it will be empty aside from the standard directory lost+found. Otherwise, one or more
Tamper lines
This section, if present, reports the status of the tamper lines relayed to the DCM over an external State of Health interface:
Input | State | Last Closed (Low) | Last Open (High) | |||
0 | open | (never) |
| Wed Jul | 7 | 16:04:48 2004 |
1 | open | (never) |
| Wed Jul | 7 | 16:04:48 2004 |
2 | open | (never) |
| Wed Jul | 7 | 16:04:48 2004 |
3 | open | (never) |
| Wed Jul | 7 | 16:04:48 2004 |
4 | open | (never) | 7 16:04:48 2004 | Wed Jul | 7 | 16:04:48 2004 |
5 | closed | Wed Jul | (never) | 7 | 16:04:48 2004 | |
6 | open | (never) | 7 16:04:48 2004 | Wed Jul | ||
7 | closed | Wed Jul | (never) |
| |
8 | closed | Wed Jul | 7 16:04:48 2004 | (never) |
9 | closed | (never) |
| (never) |
10 | closed | (never) |
| (never) |
11 | closed | (never) |
| (never) |
12 | closed | (never) |
| (never) |
13 | closed | (never) |
| (never) |
14 | closed | (never) |
| (never) |
15 | closed | (never) |
| (never) |
The columns in the table give, in turn, the current state of each switch and when it was last observed to be in each state. The above example shows a typical reading for a set of 9 tamper switches that have not triggered: the normally-
closed switches show the current time under “Last Closed”, and the normally- open switches under “Last Open”. All other fields show (never), indicating that no switches have been observed in the “wrong” state since the DCM was last booted.
Disk Status
This section reports the current state of the DCM's primary hard disk. The module looks on its USB interfaces for an
primary storage medium. If no suitable storage medium can be found, you will see the message Failed to find a USB disk.
Assuming that the DCM successfully found a primary hard disk, you will see information in a format like this:
FAT32 filesystem has 15 G bytes free
Partition is 37 G bytes (78140097 blocks of 512 bytes)
80 | Issue A |