Once the operating system is loaded, the main Flash memory blocks (where present) are mounted on /nand0 and /nand1. Incoming data, which may be from several sources, is combined into a single stream and placed in one of
these blocks (whichever is less full). When in use, you can expect each to be between 50% and 75% full, with several da:ta files present. If the DCM is using GCF as its storage file format (recommended; see Section 4.2, “Disk”), then each file will be named after the timestamp on its first packet of data, in the following fashion:
When one of the Flash memory blocks approaches capacity, or after a fixed time period (if you have so configured it; see Section 4.2, “Disk”) the DCM will automatically move them onto the primary USB hard disk. This may be either an internal Lacie hard disk, or an external drive connected to the module through a USB client interface. This disk uses a
There is a set of specialised commands which allow you to perform basic tasks on this filesystem:
gfat32df : Displays the size of the filesystem, and how much free space remains, in a format similar to this:
FAT32 filesystem has 15 G bytes free
Partition is 37 G bytes (78140097 blocks of 512 bytes)
If no suitable storage medium can be found, you will see the message Failed to find a USB disk.
diskman : Ensures that the /nandx partitions do not become full by moving files when necessary. This program ordinarily runs constantly in the background. However, a user can use the command diskman
flash” in Section 5.3). It does not remove data from the Flash memory. If you issue diskman
and the old disk.
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