Section 1 . 3
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e M D r i v e 2 3 M o t i o n C o n t r o l
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e M D r i v e 2 3 M o t i o n C o n t r o l
The MDrive23 Motion Control offers the system designer a
The MDrive23 Motion Control adds a versatile array of functions by combining a complete programmable motion controller with our already compact and cost effective standard MDrive23, adding little cost and no increase in size. Standard offerings include four 5 to 24 volt programmable I/O points, one
The MDrive23 Motion Control communicates using the
The MDrive23 is also available with an optional closed loop control. The closed loop configuration adds a 512 line (2048 count) internal magnetic rotary encoder with index mark without increasing the length of the unit. Closed loop configuration adds position maintenance, stall detection and find index mark.
Available motor configurations include: single shaft, double shaft with control knob, and long life ACME screw linear actuator.
Rotary versions are available in three stack lengths: 18, 22 & 31. Interface connections are accomplished using either a 7 position terminal block or optional 12” flying leads.
F e a t u r e S u m m a r y
!Integrated Microstepping Drive/Motion Controller with Optional Encoder/NEMA 23 High Torque Stepping Motor
!+12 to +48VDC Input Voltage
!Low Cost
!Extremely Compact
!Available Configurations: Single Shaft*, Linear Actuator, Integral Encoder*, Double Shaft with Knob for Manual Positioning*
!Three Motor Stack Lengths Available*
!Single Power Supply
!Microstep Resolution up to 51,200 Steps Per Revolution
!Open Loop or Optional Closed Loop Control
!Programmable Motor Run and Hold Current Settings
!Four 5 to 24 VDC Programmable I/O Points
!One Analog 10 Bit, 0 to 5 Volt Analog Input
!0 to 5 MHz Step Clock Rate, Selectable in 0.59 Hz Increments
!Communications BAUD Rate Selectable from 4.8 kbps to 115 kbps
!62 Software Addresses for Multidrop Communications
!Simple 1 and 2 Character Programming Instructions
!Pluggable Terminal Strip or 12” Flying Lead Interface
!Optional Integrated
*Rotary Motor Only