I n t e r f a c i n g O u t p u t s
The MDrive Motion Control Outputs may be configured as either general purpose or set to one of two dedicated functions, Fault or Moving. These outputs will sink up to 700 mA max and may be connected to +5 to +24VDC. Note that a current limiting resistor may be required to limt the current to 700 mA.
As with the inputs the MDrive Motion Control Outputs may be used singularly or collectively as a group.
I n t e r f a c i n g a S i n g l e O u t p u t E x a m p l e s
+5 to +24 V
MDrive23 Motion Control
Sample Software Configuration #1: FAULT
S4=18,0 'Set IO4 to Fault, Active State=LOW
Sample Software Configuration #2: MOVING S4=17,0 'Set IO4 to Moving, Active State=LOW (LED will illuminate when Axis is moving)
Figure 2.7: Output Interfaced to an LED
+5 to +24 V
MDrive23 Motion Control
Input Functions
S<point>= | Function | Active |
16 | General Purpose | 0/1 |
17 | Fault | 0/1 |
18 | Moving | 0/1 |
Table 2.5: Output Functions
*External Resistor may be needed to limit output sink current to 700mA
Sample Software Configuration #1: FAULT
S4=18,0 'Set IO4 to Fault, Active State=LOW
Sample Software Configuration #2: General Purpose S4=16,0 'Set IO4 to General Purpose, Active State=LOW
Figure 2.8: Output Interfaced to a Relay
I n t e r f a c i n g O u t p u t s a s a G r o u p E x a m p l e
To write to the outputs as a group the OT instruction is used. This will give you a binary output of 0000 to 1111 from a decimal entry of
See Table 2.4 for Truth Table.
MDrive23 Motion Control
+5 to +24VDC
Sample Software Configuration
'set outputs to user outputs active low, S1=16,0
Figure 2.9: Outputs Interfaced to LED’s as a Group