Section 2 . 2
M D r i v e M o t i o n C o n t r o l S o f t w a r e I n t r o d u c t i o n
S e c t i o n O v e r v i e w
This section will acquaint the user with basics of MDrive Motion Control Programming
!Installing IMS Terminal Software
!Upgrading the MDrive Firmware
!The MDrive Program
I n s t a l l i n g a n d U s i n g I M S Te r m i n a l
S y s t e m R e q u i r e m e n t s
IBM Compatible PC.
Windows 95/98 or Windows NT4.0 SP6, Windows 2000 SP2, Windows XP 10 MB hard drive space.
A free serial communications port.
I n s t a l l a t i o n
The IMS Terminal software is a programming/communications interface. This program was created by IMS to simplify program- ming and upgrading the MDrive Motion Control. The IMS Terminal is also necessary to upgrade the software in your MDrive Motion Control. These updates will be posted to the IMS website at www.imshome.com as they are made available.
To install the IMS Terminal to your hard drive, insert the IMS CD into your
Follow the
Figure 2.11: IMS Terminal Window