Section 1 . 2
MDrive17 Motion Control Specifications
S e c t i o n O v e r v i e w
This section contains mechanical, motor and electrical specifications specific to each version of the MDrive17 Motion Control. Shown are:
!Rotary Motor Specifications
!Linear Motor Specifications
!General Specifications
!Power Supply Requirements
!Thermal Specifications
R o t a r y M o t o r S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
M e c h a n i c a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s - D i m e n s i o n s i n I n c h e s ( m m )
Standard Rotary Motor (LMAX)
Stack | In (mm) | |
1713 | 2.187 | (55.56) |
1715 | 2.407 | (61.15) |
1719 | 2.786 | (70.77) |
Control Knob (LMAX2)
Stack | In (mm) | |
1713 | 2.774 | (69.71) |
1715 | 2.965 | (75.30) |
1719 | 3.343 | (84.92) |
Figure 1.1: Rotary MDrive17 Motion Control Mechanical Specifications
M D r i v e M o t i o n C o n t r o l 1 7 1 3 M o t o r S p e c s a n d S p e e d / To r q u e C u r v e s
| Holding Torque | 32 (22.6) |
| Detent Torque | 2.0 (1.4) |
| Rotor Inertia | 0.00053 (0.038) |
| Weight (Motor+Driver) oz (gm) | 8.26 (234.2) |
Table 1.1: Rotary MDI1713 Motor Specifications
Figure 1.2: Rotary MDrive Motion Control 1713 Speed/Torque Data