ZReboot the switch using the Reboot command as shown.
Note when asked to save the current configuration enter Y for Yes.
ZOnce the Switch has rebooted, you will need to login again.
ZTo confirm that the IP address and subnet mask were saved correctly enter the command “show setup” followed by the Enter key.
The Switch will then provide an
Once you have verified that the IP, subnet mask and default gateway settings are correct you can configure the Switch via the web interface.
ZIf the computer is already on a network, connect the Switch to the network.
The next step is to test communications to the switch with the ping command:
ZFrom the command prompt type in PING
ZPress the Enter key.
If communication is working correctly you should get a response from the Switch. If there is a problem you will get four consecutive timeout error messages. If this occurs check the media, ensure that the IP address subnet mask has been set correctly, and try again.