lower 40GbE
2Save the stacking configuration on the 40GbE ports:
FTOS# write memory
3Repeat Steps 1 and 2 on each MXL 10/40GbE Switch in the stack by entering the
4Reboot each switch by entering the reload command in EXEC Privilege mode:
FTOS# reload
If the stacked switches all reboot at approximately the same time, the switch with the highest MAC address is automatically elected as the Master Switch. The switch with the next highest MAC address is elected as Standby Master.
To configure the stack so that the roles are assigned according to
To reload the stack, connect the terminal to the Master Switch and enter the reload command in EXEC Privilege mode. If you connect the terminal to a member
To determine which switch is the Stack Master, enter the show system command at the terminal.
To remove a port from stacking mode, use the no form of the
NOTE: You can also manually configure the switch that will be master by entering the
priority number specifies the management priority. Range:
The switch with the highest priority number is elected Master. The switch with the next highest priority number is elected Standby Master and takes over stack
Assembling a Switch Stack