Cypress manual CY7C63413C CY7C63513C CY7C63613C

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The sink current for each DAC I/O pin can be individually programmed to one of sixteen values using dedicated Isink registers. DAC bits [1:0] can be used as high current outputs with a programmable sink current range of 3.2 to 16 mA (typical). DAC bits [7:2] have a programmable current sink range of 0.2 to 1.0 mA (typical). Again, multiple DAC pins can be connected together to drive a single output that requires more sink current capacity. Each I/O pin can be used to generate a DAC interrupt to the microcontroller and the interrupt polarity for each DAC I/O pin is individually program- mable. The DAC port interrupts share a separate “DAC” interrupt vector.

The Cypress microcontrollers use an external 6-MHz ceramic resonator to provide a reference to an internal clock generator. This clock generator reduces the clock-related noise emissions (EMI). The clock generator provides the 6 and 12- MHz clocks that remain internal to the microcontroller.

The CY7C63413C/513C/613C are offered with single EPROM options. The CY7C63413C, CY7C63513C and the CY7C63613C have 8 Kbytes of EPROM.

These parts include Power-on Reset logic, a Watch Dog Timer,

avectored interrupt controller, and a 12-bit free-running timer. The Power-On Reset (POR) logic detects when power is applied to the device, resets the logic to a known state, and begins executing instructions at EPROM address 0x0000. The Watch Dog Timer can be used to ensure the firmware never gets stalled for more than approximately 8 ms. The firmware can get stalled for a variety of reasons, including errors in the code or a hardware failure such as waiting for an interrupt that never occurs. The firmware should clear the Watch Dog Timer periodically. If the Watch Dog Timer is not cleared for approx- imately 8 ms, the microcontroller will generate a hardware watch dog reset.

The microcontroller supports eight maskable interrupts in the vectored interrupt controller. Interrupt sources include the USB Bus-Reset, the 128-s and 1.024-ms outputs from the free- running timer, three USB endpoints, the DAC port, and the

GPIO ports. The timer bits cause an interrupt (if enabled) when the bit toggles from LOW “0” to HIGH “1.” The USB endpoints interrupt after either the USB host or the USB controller sends a packet to the USB. The DAC ports have an additional level of masking that allows the user to select which DAC inputs can cause a DAC interrupt. The GPIO ports also have a level of masking to select which GPIO inputs can cause a GPIO interrupt. For additional flexibility, the input transition polarity that causes an interrupt is programmable for each pin of the DAC port. Input transition polarity can be programmed for each GPIO port as part of the port configuration. The interrupt polarity can be either rising edge (“0” to “1”) or falling edge (“1” to “0”).

The free-running 12-bit timer clocked at 1 MHz provides two interrupt sources as noted above (128-s and 1.024-ms). The timer can be used to measure the duration of an event under firmware control by reading the timer twice: once at the start of the event, and once after the event is complete. The difference between the two readings indicates the duration of the event measured in microseconds. The upper four bits of the timer are latched into an internal register when the firmware reads the lower eight bits. A read from the upper four bits actually reads data from the internal register, instead of the timer. This feature eliminates the need for firmware to attempt to compensate if the upper four bits happened to increment right after the lower 8 bits are read.

The CY7C63413C/513C/613C include an integrated USB serial interface engine (SIE) that supports the integrated peripherals. The hardware supports one USB device address with three endpoints. The SIE allows the USB host to commu- nicate with the function integrated into the microcontroller.

Finally, the CY7C63413C/513C/613C support PS/2 operation. With appropriate firmware the D+ and D– USB pins can also be used as PS/2 clock and data signals. Products utilizing these devices can be used for USB and/or PS/2 operation with appropriate firmware.

Document #: 38-08027 Rev. *B

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Contents Cypress Semiconductor Corporation FeaturesFunctional Overview CY7C63413C CY7C63513C CY7C63613C Logic Block Diagram Pin Definitions Programming ModelMOV A,DSPINIT Bit Data Stack Pointer DSPAddress Modes Buttons EQU 10h MOV A,buttonsInstruction Set Summary Operand Opcode CyclesReserved Memory OrganizationProgram Memory Organization Program Memory begins hereData Memory Organization Register Name Address Read/Write Function Register SummaryO Register Summary USB Address A, Endpoint 0 counter registerReset ClockingAddr Port 1 Data General Purpose I/O PortsPin Addr Port 2 DataGpio Configuration Port Port 0 Interrupt EnableGpio Interrupt Enable Ports Addr Port 0 Interrupt EnableDAC Port + defaultAddr Gpio Configuration Register Cmos OutputDAC Port Interrupts DAC Port Interrupt EnableAddr DAC Port Interrupt Enable DAC Isink RegistersUSB Serial Interface Engine SIE USB Device Data 0/1 USB Device Counter RegistersAddr 0x11, 0x13 USB Device Counter Registers Byte countAddr Timer Register LSB Bit Free-running TimerTimer LSB Timer Register Timer MSB Timer Register Addr Timer Register MSBInterrupts Global Interrupt Enable Register AddrUSB End Point Interrupt Enable Register Addr Gpio DACInterrupt Vector Number ROM Address Function Interrupt VectorsInterrupt Vector Assignments Interrupt LatencyEncoding USB Register Mode EncodingTruth Tables NAKWhat the SIE does to Mode bits PID Status bits Interrupt? EncodingControl Write Set End Point ModeSetup Packet if accepting Control ReadOut endpoint Parameter Min Max Unit Conditions General Power-On ResetAbsolute Maximum Ratings USB InterfaceSwitching Characteristics Differential Data Lines Package Package Type Operating Size Ordering InformationOrdering Code RangeDie Pad Locations DIe Pad Locations in microns Pad # Pin NameLead 600-Mil Molded DIP P2 Package DiagramsLead Shrunk Small Outline Package SP48 Package Diagrams Lead 300-Mil Soic S24.3/SZ24.3 PIN 1 IDDSG Issue Orig. Description of Change DateDocument History TYJ

CY7C63613C, CY7C63413C, CY7C63513C specifications

The Cypress CY7C63513C, CY7C63413C, and CY7C63613C are versatile programmable logic devices that are part of the Cypress family of microcontrollers designed for diverse applications. These devices are particularly well-suited for embedded systems, consumer electronics, and industrial control systems due to their robust features and technologies.

One of the standout characteristics of these devices is their programmable architecture, which allows for flexible design implementations. The CY7C63513C features 32 programmable I/O pins and an 8-bit microcontroller core, which provides ample resource allocation for various input/output operations. The device supports various communication interfaces, including SPI and I2C, enabling seamless integration into different system configurations.

The CY7C63413C is a highly adaptable component, offering similar features but with an enhanced flexibility in its I/O configuration, making it ideal for applications that require quick prototyping and development cycles. Its extensive instruction set allows for more complex processing tasks, catering to advanced applications in automation and signal processing.

On the other hand, the CY7C63613C provides an advanced level of integration with built-in support for multiple power management modes. This feature is crucial in modern battery-operated devices where energy conservation is a primary concern. Its low-power operation enhances the usability in portable applications while still maintaining performance.

In terms of performance, all three devices boast high-speed operation, with clock frequencies reaching up to 24 MHz. This ensures that they can efficiently handle tasks that require real-time processing, such as sensor data management and control algorithms. The devices are also equipped with an on-chip EEPROM and RAM, allowing for data storage and quick retrieval.

In addition to their performance characteristics, the CY7C63513C, CY7C63413C, and CY7C63613C are designed with reliability in mind. They incorporate robust error detection and correction features, ensuring data integrity during operation. This reliability is essential for critical applications, such as automotive systems and industrial automation.

Overall, the Cypress CY7 series presents an appealing solution for developers looking for a blend of flexibility, performance, and reliability in their embedded designs. Their programmability and support for multiple communication protocols make them a formidable choice in today’s fast-paced technological landscape, paving the way for innovative applications across various industries.