RackSwitch G8000 Application Guide
In normal IGMP operation, when the switch receives an IGMPv2 Leave message, it sends a
If the switch does not receive an IGMP Membership Report within the
If no multicast routers have been learned on that port.
With FastLeave enabled on the VLAN, a port can be removed immediately from the port list of the group entry when the IGMP Leave message is received, unless a multicast router was learned on the port.
Enable FastLeave only on VLANs that have only one host connected to each physical port. To enable FastLeave, use the following command:
RS G8000 (config)# ip igmp fastleave <VLAN number
IGMPv3 Snooping
IGMPv3 includes new membership report messages to extend IGMP functionality. The switch provides snooping capability for all types of IGMP version 3 (IGMPv3) Membership Reports.
IGMPv3 supports
The IGMPv3 implementation keeps records on the multicast hosts present in the network. If a host is already registered, when it sends an IS_INC/TO_INC/IS_EXC/TO_EXC report, the switch overwrites the existing
BMD00041, November 2008 | Chapter 9: IGMP 131 |