Chapter 3 MOTLoad Firmware
CR/CSR slave addresses configured by MOTLoad are assigned according to the installation slot in the backplane, as indicated by the VME64 Specification. For reference, the following values are provided:
Slot Position | CS/CSR Starting Address |
1 | 0x0008.0000 |
2 | 0x0010.0000 |
3 | 0x0018.0000 |
4 | 0x0020.0000 |
5 | 0x0028.0000 |
6 | 0x0030.0000 |
7 | 0x0038.0000 |
8 | 0x0040.0000 |
9 | 0x0048.0000 |
A | 0x0050.0000 |
B | 0x0058.0000 |
C | 0x0060.0000 |
For further details on CR/CSR space, please refer to the VME64 Specification, listed in Appendix C, Related Documentation.
The MVME6100 uses a Discovery II for its VME bridge. The offsets of the mailboxes in the Discovery II are defined in the Discovery II User Manual, listed in Appendix C, Related Documentation, but are noted here for reference:
Mailbox 0 is at offset 7f348 in the CR/CSR space
Mailbox 1 is at offset 7f34C in the CR/CSR space
Mailbox 2 is at offset 7f350 in the CR/CSR space
Mailbox 3 is at offset 7f354 in the CR/CSR space
The selection of the mailbox used by remote start on an individual MVME6100 is determined by the setting of a global environment variable (GEV). The default mailbox is zero. Another GEV controls whether remote start is enabled (default) or disabled. Refer to the Remote Start appendix in the MOTLoad Firmware Package User’s Manual for remote start GEV definitions.
The MVME6100’s IBCA needs to be mapped appropriately through the master’s VMEbus bridge. For example, to use remote start using mailbox 0 on an MVME6100 installed in slot 5, the master would need a mapping to support reads and writes of address 0x002ff348 in VME CR/CSR space (0x280000 + 0x7f348).
28MVME6100 Installation and Use (V6100A/IH2)