Setting up VPN Manager Access
7Enter the System Passphrase again to confirm it in the appropriate field.
8Click the Submit button.
Setting up VPN Manager Access
The SOHO can be configured to allow the WatchGuard VPN Manager software access in order to configure and manage Branch Office VPN tunnels from a remote location.
The VPN Manager software is purchased separately. For more information regarding the VPN Manager product, use your Web browser to go to:
https://www.watchguard.com/products/v pnmanager.asp
Follow these steps to setup VPN Manager access:
1With your Web browser, go to the SOHO System Status page
using the Trusted IP address of the SOHO.
For example, if using the default IP address, go to:
2From the navigation bar on the left side, select Administration
=> VPN Manager Access.
The VPN Manager Access page appears.