Configuring the SOHO WebBlocker
Configuring the SOHO WebBlocker
Use the WatchGuard SOHO Configuration pages to enable WebBlocker, create a full access password for bypassing WebBlocker, define an Inactivity Timeout which sets the duration that the full access password is valid, define the categories you want to block, and configure WebBlocker Groups and Users.
Enable WebBlocker
Follow the instructions below to enable WebBlocker, create a Full Access Password, define the inactivity timeout value, require that your Web users authenticate (if your are using the Groups and Users feature option).
1With your Web browser, go to the SOHO Configuration
Settings page using the Trusted IP address of the SOHO.
For example, if using the default IP address, go to:
2From the navigation bar on the left side, select WebBlocker =>
The WebBlocker Settings page appears.