Frequently asked questions
How do I connect three or four offices together?
To connect more than two offices together, WatchGuard recommends designating one office the center of a “star” network configuration and upgrading it to a WatchGuard Firebox. You can then manage multiple tunnels to SOHOs or other IPSec compliant devices from the central Firebox.
How do I troubleshoot the connection?
If you can ping the remote SOHO and computers behind it, your VPN tunnel is up and running. Any remaining problems are probably caused by the MS Networking or the applications being used.
OK, why is ping not working?
If you cannot ping the local network address of the remote SOHO, take the following steps to classify the problem:
1Ping the external address of the remote SOHO.
For example, at Site A, ping (Site B). You should get a reply. If not, verify the External Network Settings of Site B. If they are correct, verify that computers at Site B can access the internet. If you are still having trouble, contact your ISP.
2Once you can ping the external address of each SOHO, try
pinging the local address.
From Site A, ping If the tunnel is up, you should get a reply from the remote SOHO. If not,
How do I obtain a VPN upgrade certificate?
Upgrade certificates come inside the box when you buy a WatchGuard SOHOtc. They can also be purchased online. Using your Web browser, go to:
http://www.watchguard.com/sales/buyonline .asp