Searching for blocked sites
adult personals, and sites devoted to selling pornographic
Full Nudity
Pictures exposing any or all portions of human genitalia. Topic does not include sites categorized as Partial/Artistic Nudity containing partial nudity of a wholesome nature. For example, it does not include Web sites for publications such as National Geographic or Smithsonian magazine nor sites hosted by museums such as the Guggenheim, the Louvre, or the Museum of Modern Art.
Partial/Artistic Nudity
Pictures exposing the female breast or full exposure of either male or female buttocks except when exposing genitalia which is handled under the Full Nudity category. Topic does not include swimsuits, including thongs.
Searching for blocked sites
To verify whether WebBlocker is blocking a site as part of a category block, visit the Search/Submit form on the Cyber Patrol Web site.
1 Using your Web browser, go to:
http: // www. cybe rpat rol .com/ cybe rN OT/de faul t.htm
2Scroll down to display the Cyber Patrol CyberNOT® Search Engine.
3Type the URL of the site to check.
4Click Check if the URL is on the CyberNOT List.
The search engine results notify you whether or not the site is on the CyberNOT list. Use this site also to suggest a new site for both the CyberNOT and CyberYES list, as well as to request a site review.