MGW 2000e Quick Start Guide
Running a Channel
Once you have configured the channel, you can start transmitting a stream. Follow the instructions to transmit a channel.
MGW 2000e also lets you schedule a channel. For instructions on scheduling a channel, refer to the user manual.
To transmit a stream:
1.In MGW 2000e Director’s Menu, click Channels. The Channels page appears.
2.From the Channels list, select the channel you want to transmit.
If the Run Channels button is disabled , no target has been added to the channel. To run this channel, you must first add a target as explained on page 13.
3.Click , MGW 2000e Director transmits the channel. The Run Channel button
now toggles to the Stop Channel button
4.Repeat steps
To stop transmitting:
•Click ; the associated channel stops transmitting. The Stop Channel button
now toggles to the Run Channel button
If you are logged on as MGW2000Guest, the Run and Stop buttons do not show.