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Example 2: Setting the Domain and Subnet from the configuration file |
| ||
| FieldServer |
| System_Station_Address | ,Title |
| [node_id] | ,“:D*Domain_ID]:S[Subnet_ID+:*Title continued…+” |
The Title field must start with “:D”, followed by the Domain_ID in hexadecimal notation, followed by “:S”, followed by the Subnet_ID in hexadecimal notation and enclosed by “:”. The domain length is automatically determined by the number of digits in the [Domain_ID] field. Since 2 hexadecimal digits constitute 1 byte, “:D123456:” for example would have a length of 3.
Once the domain table has been set, the “:Dxx:Sxx:” part of the Title field will be removed. Now the Title field will be left with *Title continued…+ which may be the Node
lon.ini file contents
The file may contain any values or be removed from the FieldServer.
FieldServer configuration file contents ( config.csv )
System_Station_Address ,Title
| 12 |
| ,":D48:S01:TESTING" |
Specifying the Domain and Subnet in the configuration file will override the settings from the lon.ini file.
6.1.5 Network Management
The NVPIEXC command generally used for polling has the limitation that data can only move in one direction (Server to Client). The added functionality of a
Another useful feature of the NMFETCHC function is that it can perform reads to any other type of Node function (NVUI, CFG_NVUI, NVUOEXX, NVPIIMC, etc.) This means that even Client Map Descriptors can be read this way.
Network management fetch requests received on polled nodes are handled differently from normal NV Poll requests. The response to a NV Poll will contain valid data. Data is valid if the node that is the source of the data is online and if this data is not too old. The data in the response to a network management fetch will not be checked for validity, however, it will simply respond with the current data in the variable.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web: www.fieldserver.com Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email: support@fieldserver.com