Maxtor 6800 Handling Precautions, System Requirements, Tools for Installation, Capacity Barriers

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1 Before You Begin


Please read this Installation Sheet completely before installing the Maxtor hard drive. It gives general information for installing a Maxtor hard drive in a typical computer system.

If you don’t understand the installation steps, have a qualified computer technician install the hard drive.

Handling Precautions

Allow the hard drive to reach room temperature BEFORE installing it in your computer system.

Hard drives are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage.

Handle the drive by its sides. DO NOT touch the printed circuit board assembly.

NEVER drop, jar, or bump the drive.

DON’T connect/disconnect any drive cables when the power is on.

DON’T use any low-level formatting software on this drive.

System Requirements

IDE/AT interface

486 processor or higher

Operating System Requirements

For drives less than or equal to 8.4 GB: DOS 5.0 or higher

For drives larger than 8.4 GB:

Installing as Boot drive (Primary Master) requires full installation set of Windows 95 or higher (not upgrade).

Installing as non-Boot drive (Primary Slave, Secondary Master or Slave) requires that Windows 95 or higher be installed on the Boot drive.

Tools for Installation

The following tools are needed to complete the installation of your Maxtor hard drive:

A small Phillips head screw driver

Your computer user’s manual

Small needle-nose pliers or

Operating system software





Drive Identification Information

Copy the following information from the label on the top cover of the Maxtor hard drive for future reference:

Model Number _____________________ Serial Number _____________________

Cylinders ______________ Heads _____________ Sectors _______________

HDA Uplevel ______________ PCBA Uplevel _____________ Unique Uplevel _______________

Capacity Barriers

Due to operating system limitations, DOS cannot access the full capacity of drives larger than 8.4 GB. The Microsoft Windows 95 operating system or equivalent (full installation), NOT a Windows 95 upgrade from DOS (Windows 3.1 or 3.11), is required to obtain the full capacity of any hard drive larger than 8.4 GB.

Protecting Your Existing Data

Periodicbackupofimportantdataisalwaysagoodidea.Wheneveryourcomputerison,thereisthepotentialforlosingdataonyourharddrive.Thisisespeciallytruewhenrunning disk utilities or any software that directly manipulates your files. Maxtor recommends that you make a backup copy of the files on any existing hard drives. If required, this datamaythenbecopiedtotheMaxtorharddriveafterithasbeeninstalledinyourcomputer.Refertoyourcomputeruser’smanualfordetaileddatabackupinstructions.

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Image 25
Contents HA RD Drive Produc T MA Nual DiamondMax U T I O N Before You BeginContents Handling and Installation Product SpecificationsHost Software Interface AT Interface DescriptionService and Support Interface CommandsGlossary Figures Maxtor Corporation IntroductionManual Organization AbbreviationsConventions Signal ConventionsKey Words NumberingProduct Description DiamondMax 6800 Key FeaturesFunctional / Interface Product FeaturesLogical Block Addressing On-the-Fly Hardware Error Correction Code ECCDefect Management Zone DMZ Software ECC CorrectionCache Management Read-Ahead ModeBuffer Segmentation Automatic Write Reallocation AWRMajor HDA Components Jumper Location/Configuration Subsystem ConfigurationCylinder Limitation Dual Drive SupportDrive Configuration Product SpecificationsPerformance Specifications Models and CapacitiesParameter Standard Metric Physical DimensionsPower Mode Definitions Power RequirementsEPA Energy Star Compliance Environmental LimitsShock and Vibration Reliability SpecificationsRadiated Electromagnetic Field Emissions EMC Compliance Safety Regulatory ComplianceCanadian Emissions Statement Hard Drive Handling Precautions Handling and InstallationPre-formatted Drive Important NoticeMulti-pack Shipping Container Unpacking and InspectionRecommended Mounting Configuration Physical InstallationRepacking Tools for Installation Handling PrecautionsSystem Requirements Drive Identification InformationHard Drive Identification General RequirementsInstalling 5.25-inch Mounting Brackets and Rails Systems Using Cable SelectInstalling in a Device Bay Mounting Drive in SystemAttaching System Cables Attaching Interface and Power CablesSetting the Bios Cmos System SetupBios Cmos Parameters Hard Drive Preparation System Hangs During Boot AT Interface Description Interface ConnectorPin Description Summary Pin Description Table PIN Name Signal Name Signal DescriptionPIO Timing Timing Parameters ModeDMA Timing Ultra DMA Timing Mode MIN MAXSustained Ultra DMA Data In Burst Device Terminating an Ultra DMA Data In Burst Initiating an Ultra DMA Data Out Burst Device Pausing an Ultra DMA Data Out Burst Device Terminating an Ultra DMA Data Out Burst Features Register Error RegisterHost Software Interface Task File RegistersSector Number Register Sector Count RegisterCylinder Number Registers Device/Head RegisterCommand Register Summary Command Name Command Code Parameters Used SDHAlternate Status Register Control Diagnostic RegistersDevice Control Register Digital Input RegisterReset Handling Reset and Interrupt HandlingInterrupt Handling Set Feature Commands Interface CommandsRead Sectors Read CommandsRead Verify Sectors Read Multiple Read DMASet Multiple Mode Write CommandsWrite Sectors Write Verify SectorsWrite DMA Write MultipleSet Features Mode Set Feature CommandsPower Mode Commands Sleep Mode Identify Drive Initialization Commands15-8 = PIO data transfer mode = Write Cache enabled Initialize Drive Parameters Execute Drive Diagnostic Seek, Format and Diagnostic CommandsFormat Track Execute S.M.A.R.T A.R.T. Command SetService Policy Service and SupportNo Quibble Service SupportCustomer Service MaxFax ServiceInternet Glossary Access TimeCylinder Zero Gigabyte GB Logical Block Addressing Read Gate Signal THIN-FILM Media