6.If prompted to restart your system:
•Click ‘No’ if you are next going to install the Diva Assistant. You are required to restart after installing this software, and clicking ‘No’ will save you some time.
•Click ‘Yes’ if you do not need to install the Diva Assistant. Your computer must be restarted in order to acquire a new IP address.
Windows 2000
Windows 2000 automatically created a network adapter profile (named ‘Local Area Connection’ by default) when the adapter was installed. However, the TCP/IP protocol is not installed by default. You must check if this profile has the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) installed and properly configured. Note that if you have more than one adapter installed on your system, you will have to use the adapter that is in use by the Diva 2440.
1.Click ‘Start’, ‘Settings’, ‘Network and
2.Click ‘Properties’. The properties window for this adapter is displayed.
•If ‘Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)’ is not listed in the ‘Components’ list, go to Installing TCP/IP (below).
•If ‘Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)’ is listed in the ‘Components’ list, then the protocol is already installed. Go to Verifying TCP/IP Settings (below).
Installing TCP/IP
1.Click the ‘Install’ button. The ‘Select Network Component Type’ window appears.
2.Select ‘Protocol’ and click ‘Add’. A list of available protocols appears.
3.Select ‘Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)’ then click ‘OK’. Once the installation is complete, you are returned to the properties window.
4.Do not click the ‘Close’ button yet; next you will verify your TCP/IP settings. Continue with Verifying TCP/IP Settings (below).
Verifying TCP/IP Settings
1.Select ‘Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)’, then click ‘Properties’.
2.The settings should be ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’ and ‘Obtain DNS server automatically’.
3.Click ‘OK’, then ‘OK’ again, then click ‘Close’.
4.If prompted to restart your system:
•Click ‘No’ if you are next going to install the Diva Assistant. You are required to restart after installing this software, and clicking ‘No’ will save you some time.
•Click ‘Yes’ if you do not need to install the Diva Assistant. Your computer must be restarted in order to acquire a new IP address.
Apple Macintosh (Mac OS 8 or later)
TCP/IP is installed by default with your Mac OS. If it is not in the Control Panels folder, reinstall it from your System Installation CD.
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