Hand Held Products IT4710, IT4X80, IT4800, IT4600 2D Matrix, Aztec Code, is the Encoded Message

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2D Matrix

Aif Row Height >= 1.5 X, F otherwise.

{6} lists the Data Safety Margin. Because MicroPDF's error correction level is fixed, this parameter is just the "Unused Error Correction" and always between 0 and 100%.

{7} lists the Edge Accuracymeasured in multiple scans through the Row Address Patterns.

{8} lists the Print Growth measured within the Row Address Patterns.

2D Matrix

This section describes 2D PQA outputs for Aztec Code, Data Matrix, QR Code, and MaxiCode.

Aztec Code

The Full Report from a typical scan looks like the following (line numbers have been added in curly brackets):

{1} This is a representative Aztec Code symbol {2} >>> PQA from HHP <<<

{3} AZTEC CODE: 3 layers (Compact) => 23x23 modules

{4} Data Field: 29 data & 22 chks in GF(256), 0 Erasures & 0 Errors

{5} X roughly = 0.021"

{6} [A] < Core Symbol: 0 errors

{7} [A] < Data Safety Margin = 146%

{8} [A] < Horizontal Print Growth = +1% of X {9} [A] < Vertical Print Growth = +1% of X

{1} is the Encoded Message.

{2} is the Banner heading.

{3} identifies the Symbology (AZTEC CODE) and lists the symbol's size and format.

{4} lists the numbers of Data and Check Words, as well as the Error Correction used.

{5} presents an approximate X-dimension.

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Contents Quick Check 2D Print Quality Assessment User’s GuideDisclaimer Table of Contents Chapter 1 - IntroductionChapter 3 - Customer Support Chapter 2 - Quick*ViewSymbology X-dimensionUser Operation IntroductionReading Techniques Symbology/Parameter Specifics Full Report 2D PQA ReportingScreening Report This is a representative PDF417 symbol PQA from HHP Identifying Symbol ContentA Data Safety Margin = 100% 0 Erasures & 0 Errors PDF417 11 rows x 3 cols, 25 data & 8 chks ECL = 2 X roughly =PDF417 2D Stacked / Multi-rowExcessive Print Shrinkage -43% of where In Screening modes, this parameter is reported as Useful Row Height is Too Short 1.5X when that is the case 1 is the Encoded Message MicroPDF417Aztec Code 2D Matrix1 This is a representative Data Matrix symbol 2 PQA from HHP Data Matrix6 A Fixed Patterns 0 module errors 3 DATA MATRIX ECC200 24 x 24 modules in size7 A Data Safety Margin = 100% QR Code1 This is a representative QR Code symbol 2 PQA from HHP 4 lists this symbols Mask Pattern and Error Correction Level MaxiCodePostnet and Planet Code Postal Height-Modulated Bar Code Symbologies7 A Ok Bar Widths = 0.022 in 8 A Ok Inter-Bar Gaps = 0.023 in 1 B15AJ6T 2 PQA from HHP 4-State Codes3 4-STATEBritish 34 Bars, nominally from 38.5 to 42.3 mm. in Width 4 Bar Sequence ADHTATDAHDDAADADAADTHTADHHDATHTADHAverage Bar/Gap Width Parameter InterpretationAverage Bar Height/Extension Height Table 1 Dimensional Tolerances for the Various 4-State BarBar Sequence Data Safety MarginCodeword Data and Check Codeword YieldError Correction Level ECL Error Correction/Error Correction CharactersError Detection/Error Detection Characters Encoded MessageSymbology Module ErrorsPrint Growth Horizontal and Vertical Row HeightX-dimension Setting Up the Imager and the Quick*View Software Installing Quick*View from the WebQuick*View Quick*View Demonstration Software InstructionsIT4600/4800/4X80 Temporary Quick*View ConfigurationIT4410/4710 If Communication Cannot Be Established Using the Quick*View SoftwareScan Data Window Customer Support Obtaining Factory ServiceNorth America Latin AmericaNorth America/Canada Technical AssistanceAsia Page QC2DPQA-UG Rev B