Hand Held Products IT4600 Postal Height-Modulated Bar Code Symbologies, Postnet and Planet Code

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Postal (Height-Modulated) Bar Code Symbologies

{4} X roughly = 0.043"

{5} [A] < Data Safety Margin = 100%

{6} [A] < Horizontal Print Growth = +2% of X {7} [A] < Vertical Print Growth = -1% of X

{1} is the Encoded Message.

{2} is the Banner heading.

{3} identifies the Symbology (MAXICODE) and lists the symbol's Mode.

{4} presents an approximate X-dimension.

Note: The reported X-dimension is approximate and based upon use of the IT4410LR at 4.7 in (12 cm) (see "Reading Techniques" on page 1-1). If you use different image engines, the X-dimension will vary. If you hold the reader closer than 4.7 in (12 cm), it will have the effect of reporting a larger than true X-dimension. Conversely, if you hold the reader farther away than 4.7 in (12 cm), it will have the effect of reporting a smaller than true X-dimension. Please contact HHP Application Support for additional information. Refer to Chapter 3 for contact information.

{5} lists the Data Safety Margin. Because the Error Correction level for Maxi- Code is fixed for each mode, this parameter is just the "Unused Error Cor- rection," and is always between 0 and 100%.

{6} and {7} list the Horizontal & Vertical Print Growths, respectively.

Postal (Height-Modulated) Bar Code Symbologies

This section describes the height-modulated 2-state symbologies, Postnet and Planet Code, used in the United States, as well as the 4-state symbologies used in England, the Netherlands (“KIX”), Canada, Japan, and Australia. All dimen- sions, where listed, are in inches for 2-state symbols and in millimeters for 4- state symbols.

Postnet and Planet Code

The Full Report from a typical scan looks like the following (line numbers have been added in curly brackets):

{1} 51591



{2} >>> PQA

from HHP <<<



32 Bars, nominally from 01.30

to 01.56 in.

in Width



{4} Bar Sequence: 10101000011010101010000011101001

{5} [F] (Hi)

< Tall Bar Heights: 0.155 in.


{6} [F] (Hi)

< Short Bar Heights: 0.081 in.


1 - 13

Image 17
Contents Quick Check 2D Print Quality Assessment User’s GuideDisclaimer Table of Contents Chapter 1 - IntroductionChapter 3 - Customer Support Chapter 2 - Quick*ViewSymbology X-dimensionReading Techniques IntroductionUser Operation Symbology/Parameter Specifics Screening Report 2D PQA ReportingFull Report This is a representative PDF417 symbol PQA from HHP Identifying Symbol ContentA Data Safety Margin = 100% 0 Erasures & 0 Errors PDF417 11 rows x 3 cols, 25 data & 8 chks ECL = 2 X roughly =Excessive Print Shrinkage -43% of 2D Stacked / Multi-rowPDF417 where In Screening modes, this parameter is reported as Useful Row Height is Too Short 1.5X when that is the case 1 is the Encoded Message MicroPDF417Aztec Code 2D Matrix1 This is a representative Data Matrix symbol 2 PQA from HHP Data Matrix6 A Fixed Patterns 0 module errors 3 DATA MATRIX ECC200 24 x 24 modules in size1 This is a representative QR Code symbol 2 PQA from HHP QR Code7 A Data Safety Margin = 100% 4 lists this symbols Mask Pattern and Error Correction Level MaxiCodePostnet and Planet Code Postal Height-Modulated Bar Code Symbologies7 A Ok Bar Widths = 0.022 in 8 A Ok Inter-Bar Gaps = 0.023 in 1 B15AJ6T 2 PQA from HHP 4-State Codes3 4-STATEBritish 34 Bars, nominally from 38.5 to 42.3 mm. in Width 4 Bar Sequence ADHTATDAHDDAADADAADTHTADHHDATHTADHAverage Bar/Gap Width Parameter InterpretationAverage Bar Height/Extension Height Table 1 Dimensional Tolerances for the Various 4-State BarBar Sequence Data Safety MarginCodeword Data and Check Codeword YieldError Correction Level ECL Error Correction/Error Correction CharactersError Detection/Error Detection Characters Encoded MessageSymbology Module ErrorsPrint Growth Horizontal and Vertical Row HeightX-dimension Setting Up the Imager and the Quick*View Software Installing Quick*View from the WebQuick*View Quick*View Demonstration Software InstructionsIT4410/4710 Temporary Quick*View ConfigurationIT4600/4800/4X80 If Communication Cannot Be Established Using the Quick*View SoftwareScan Data Window Customer Support Obtaining Factory ServiceNorth America Latin AmericaAsia Technical AssistanceNorth America/Canada Page QC2DPQA-UG Rev B