{4} X roughly = 0.043"
{5} [A] < Data Safety Margin = 100%
{6} [A] < Horizontal Print Growth = +2% of X {7} [A] < Vertical Print Growth =
{1} is the Encoded Message.
{2} is the Banner heading.
{3} identifies the Symbology (MAXICODE) and lists the symbol's Mode.
{4} presents an approximate
Note: The reported
{5} lists the Data Safety Margin. Because the Error Correction level for Maxi- Code is fixed for each mode, this parameter is just the "Unused Error Cor- rection," and is always between 0 and 100%.
{6} and {7} list the Horizontal & Vertical Print Growths, respectively.
Postal (Height-Modulated) Bar Code Symbologies
This section describes the
Postnet and Planet Code
The Full Report from a typical scan looks like the following (line numbers have been added in curly brackets):
{1} 51591 |
{2} >>> PQA | from HHP <<< |
{3} POSTNET: | 32 Bars, nominally from 01.30 | to 01.56 in. |
in Width |
{4} Bar Sequence: 10101000011010101010000011101001 | ||
{5} [F] (Hi) | < Tall Bar Heights: 0.155 in. |
{6} [F] (Hi) | < Short Bar Heights: 0.081 in. |
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