GD Commerce Control and Booster Panels, EDA-M300, EDA-M350, EDA-M100, EDA-M200, EDA-M150 Windmill

Page 11

Page - 11 Windmill￿

Since we want to download from a panel click 'Download from Panels'￿ 6.1.1 Site Information Screen￿

Clicking 'Download from Panels' you will be presented with the screen shown Below:￿

Our site name is 'College' so this is entered in the site name field. In the next field we enter the number of￿ panels on the system. In this example our system has 3 panels so this is entered.￿

Once the number of panels has been entered click continue. To return to the main screen click back.￿ Note : The site name is used as part of the file name at a later stage. With this in mind don't use special￿ characters ( * & ? £ ). E.g. bad site names would be:￿




Also try and keep the site name short. This is not critical but it will aid compatibility with the old 'ProComm'￿ system. (- if your company no longer uses 'ProComm' then you are free to use more but try to keep below￿ 20!)￿

Also the maximum number of panels on any system is 50. Attempting to enter more that this number will￿ generate an error.￿

6.1.2 Site Save Locations￿

The next screen we are presented with is as follows:￿

As can be seen the site name and number of panels enter on the previous screen is shown for confirma-￿ tion. Also displayed is the default save location and filename.￿

As seen our default filename is c:\college.txt. This means that a download from panel 1 will be stored in￿ c:\college01.txt a download from panel 35 will be stored in c:\college35.txt.￿

To change any of the details simply click the corresponding button. If change of the save location is re-￿ quired the familiar save location box will appear:￿

GD Systems

Image 11
Contents Hardware Specification 2 Windmill 3 Windmill 4 Windmill 5 Windmill 6 Windmill 7 Windmill 8 Windmill 9 Windmill 10 Windmill 11 Windmill 12 Windmill 13 Windmill 14 Windmill 15 Windmill 16 Windmill 17 Windmill Example M200 Download