GD Commerce EDA-M100, EDA-M300, EDA-M350, EDA-M200, EDA-M150, Control and Booster Panels Windmill

Page 14

Page - 14 Windmill￿

Data analysis is made up of three main stages:￿

i)Processing of Downloaded Data,￿

ii)Correction of corrupted lines (if any),￿

iii)Report Generation.￿

At this stage files can be added or removed using the corresponding buttons.￿

Clicking on Process Files proceeds with the analysis.￿

6.1.4i File Processing￿

Upon processing the data from each file will be read and checked for corruption, if detected a new screen￿ will appear to deal with the corrupt line. Our example download has one corrupt line, shortly after clicking￿ process files the corruption screen appears to deal with this corrupt line.￿

6.1.4ii Corruption Correction￿

The corruption screen appears when the first instance of corruption is detected.￿


As can be seen it is made up of six main caption boxes:￿

1)Warning caption - confirming that your download files will not be altered.￿

2)Download file being read from.￿

3)Valid lines already read.￿

4)The original corrupted line contained in the file.￿

5)The correction attempted by the program - this is also where you can make corrections.￿

6)A sample line for you to base your corrections on.￿

Along with five user interface buttons:￿

1)Use >> is enabled only if the corrected line is valid, if clicked it substitutes the corrected line for the cor-￿ rupt one.￿

2)Delete >> ignores the corrupt line, allowing the user to produce a report without correcting this line.￿

3)Skip >> keeps the corrupt line, preventing the user from generating a report.￿

4)Skip all >> same as the above but for all corrupt lines encountered￿

5)<< Quit stops corruption analysis returning to main processing screen.￿

In our example the corrupted line is on device 13 (D:0013).￿

Comparing our original corrupted line with the sample line at the bottom of the screen shot we can see that￿ the problem is due to the missing hyphens between the T: and S:. The software has detected this and in-￿ serted the required number of hyphens and spaces. It has also checked that the now corrected line has￿ passed all the required validity checks, indicated by the fact that the Use >> button is enabled.￿

All we need to do is check that the important details such as device number, and signal strength have not￿ been changed.￿

GD Systems

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Contents Hardware Specification 2 Windmill 3 Windmill 4 Windmill 5 Windmill 6 Windmill 7 Windmill 8 Windmill 9 Windmill 10 Windmill 11 Windmill 12 Windmill 13 Windmill 14 Windmill 15 Windmill 16 Windmill 17 Windmill Example M200 Download