Page - 1 Windmill
Hardware Specification
In order to run Windmill or PanCom software the following system requirements must be satisfied: 1.1 PC Requirements
Pentium Processor running Windows 95 or later
The display must be run in a resolutions mode of 800 x 600 or greater. Serial port Com1, Com2 or Com3
As some software takes priority over the serial ports, it must be ensured that any such software has been terminated if using the same serial port as used by this software.
1.2 Fire Alarm Control Panel Requirements
This programming software works for the Millennium range of control and booster panels including the:
All versions of software fitted in panels are supported. 1.3 Additional Equipment Required
In addition to the PC and control panel you will require a set of programming leads
2.0 Introduction and Version Control
This section details any changes to software and manuals for the Windmill programming software
3.0 Navigating the CD
The supplied CD contains all the necessary
3.1 Disk Structure
As can be seen the CD is made up of 7 main directories. The contents of each directory is detailed as
datasheets: technical sheets for the EDA product range.
eda: installation files for DOS based software for panels.
edadet: installation files for DOS based software for device programming.
manual: user manuals for the EDA product range.
pancom: installation files for WINDOWS based panel downloading.
3_5_disk: installation files for transfer to 3.5" floppy disk.
photos: sales photos for the EDA product range.
jpg: photos in *.jpeg file format (lower resolution)
tif: photos in *.tif file format (higher quality)
windmill: installation files for WINDOWS based panel messages and options.
3_5_disk: installation files for transfer to 3.5" floppy disk.
Installation of program files along with viewing of the other resources will be dealt with in the following
GD Systems