GD Commerce EDA-M200, EDA-M300, EDA-M350, EDA-M100, EDA-M150, Control and Booster Panels Windmill

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Page - 15 Windmill￿

If the corrected line did not pass the validity checks or was altered by the user in such a way that it no￿ longer passed its validity checks then the Use >> button would be de-activated until the line passed these￿ checks.￿

For more information on corrupt files see Appendix A.￿

Once the processing is completed we are informed that there is no uncorrected￿ corruption and presented with a screen similar to the one below:￿

As can be seen although it has been corrected the original corrupted line for device 13 is still shown in the￿ white text box.￿

To inform the user that it has been corrected the software adds a ' C ' at the end of the line.￿

This is also true for the instances where the user has selected to delete or skip a corrupt line, a 'D' or '*S*'￿ being added respectively.￿

If there is uncorrected corruption contained in your source files that has been skipped you will not be given￿ the option of generating a report. Again for more information on corruption see Appendix A.￿

Provided this is not the case (there is either no corruption or it has been corrected/deleted) then the user is￿ given the option of viewing the raw data or producing a report, as detailed in the next section.￿

6.1.4iii Report Generation￿

Once the processing and correction of source file data (if required) has been completed the process files￿ button disappears and you are presented with three new options:￿

1)Raw Data￿

2)Full Report￿

3)Weak Strengths Only￿

Depending on the size of the system being analysed the raw data option will show either on the screen, or￿ saved to a file, the data it will use for the creation of its report. If displayed the raw data can be saved using￿ the Save Text >> button or printed using the Print Text >> button.￿

The full report option will generate a listing as follows:￿

First the files used in the analysis along with their creation/modification date are displayed. Then each de-￿ vice and its type (as stored by the last panel on the system) is shown.￿

Included with each device is the panel with the highest communication strength to￿ this device.￿

GD Systems

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Contents Hardware Specification 2 Windmill 3 Windmill 4 Windmill 5 Windmill 6 Windmill 7 Windmill 8 Windmill 9 Windmill 10 Windmill 11 Windmill 12 Windmill 13 Windmill 14 Windmill 15 Windmill 16 Windmill 17 Windmill Example M200 Download