GD Commerce EDA-M350, EDA-M300, EDA-M100, EDA-M200, EDA-M150, Control and Booster Panels Windmill

Page 13

Page - 13 Windmill￿

Providing the details shown are correct connect the PC to the module port of the panel, click continue with￿ the mouse and press the dump button inside the panel Twice.￿

After a few seconds the panel will start communicating with the PC and a progress bar will appear where￿ the continue button was previously:￿

Once the download has been completed click Next and you will be returned to the file control screen. Upon￿ returning to the file control screen the panel you have just downloaded from will be removed from the pan-￿ els still on system list. A new file will be added to the Panel downloads complete list. In our example the￿ filename added will be "c:\College01.txt".￿

To quit the download click Abort download and you will be returned to the file control screen.￿

The above procedure is performed for the remaining two panels and upon returning from the download￿ screen for the final time the file control screen [Screen 2] should look like the screen shown below:￿

All the panels on the site have been downloaded from so click: Analyse Downloads>>￿ 6.1.4 Data Analysis￿

The final analysis screen is shown below:￿

GD Systems

Image 13
Contents Hardware Specification 2 Windmill 3 Windmill 4 Windmill 5 Windmill 6 Windmill 7 Windmill 8 Windmill 9 Windmill 10 Windmill 11 Windmill 12 Windmill 13 Windmill 14 Windmill 15 Windmill 16 Windmill 17 Windmill Example M200 Download