GD Commerce EDA-M350, EDA-M300, EDA-M100, EDA-M200, EDA-M150, Control and Booster Panels Windmill

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Page - 7 Windmill￿

Radio Sounders Tone The tone for the radio sounder can be set. The default tone is tone 4 (swept Tone). If EDA-A910 hardwired sounders are being used to match the tone of the radio units then the tone for the￿ hardwired sounders is set inside the individual units. Radio Sounder Auxiliary If the radio sounders are fit-￿ ted with auxiliary outputs or output devices are fitted then this should be checked to operate the auxiliary￿ output.￿

Radio Sounders Area If the radio sounders have been grouped in to areas then the system can be pro-￿ grammed to sound individual areas. The default is to sound all areas. If a separate area is required to￿ sound, then the areas should be entered into the fields. A maximum of three areas can be programmed to￿ sound for a single alarm condition. Values should be entered from left to right and if not used left as 0.￿ Second Delay Once the first delay has expired the second delay will commence if set. After this delay has￿ expired the cause and effects will operate as detailed in the corresponding settings.￿

See the previous section for the values required.￿ Which Panel - This is not implemented yet.￿

Store as Default Store the values set on the screen to temporary memory, to enable them to be loaded￿ back for other units. This enables common changes to be made to multiple devices quickly and￿ easily.￿

Set to Default If the ‘Store as Default’ button was used earlier in the session then those saved values can￿ be loaded into the current selected unit number. Select the unit number and click the ‘Set to Default’ button.

5.5 Change Panel Settings￿

To change panel settings position the scroll bar to display the appropriate panel number and double click￿ anywhere on the line of the appropriate panel number. Panel numbers are always preceded by a ‘P’ on the￿ list of devices. A screen similar to figure 5.5 will be displayed.￿

For a description of the relays available see section 5.4.1￿

Location Text The location text details the position of the control or booster panel in the building. Its length￿ has a maximum of 37 characters￿

Evacuate - When Evacuate is pressed on the corresponding panel the sounder circuits, auxiliary relays and radio sounders will operate as programmed. For a more detailed description of the sounder circuits, auxil-￿ iary relays and radio sounders see the device programming section (5.4.1)￿

GD Systems

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Contents Hardware Specification 2 Windmill 3 Windmill 4 Windmill 5 Windmill 6 Windmill 7 Windmill 8 Windmill 9 Windmill 10 Windmill 11 Windmill 12 Windmill 13 Windmill 14 Windmill 15 Windmill 16 Windmill 17 Windmill Example M200 Download