SpeedStream Router User Guide
3.In the Netmask box, enter the IP netmask of the destination server.
4.In the Next Hop box, enter the IP address to which the data packets will be forwarded.
5.From the Interface list, select the interface that will forward the data packets.
6.To create the static route from your settings, click Set Route.
The SpeedStream router provides you with several options for using Network Address Translation (NAT) and Network Address Port Translation (NAPT):
•Use NAT and specify the destination IP address for incoming packets on the selected WAN interface.
•Use NAPT only to handle multiple addresses based on port forwarding rules.
•Disable both NAT and NAPT and, for example, set up static routes.
Note Depending on your configuration, NAT is sometimes enabled by default. Disable NAT only in advanced situations where the ISP has assigned static IP addresses.
To access the NAT/NAPT Configuration screen:
1.On the main menu, click Advanced Setup, and then click NAT/NAPT.
The NAT/NAPT Configuration screen displays your configured PPP connections in the WAN Interface column.
2.Continue to define NAT and/or NAPT settings as described below.
To disable NAT and NAPT:
1.In the NAT and NAPT Disabled column, select yes.
2.To save your setting, click Apply.
- or -
Continue to define NAT and/or NAPT settings.
To enable NAT and specify a destination IP address:
1.In the NAT Enabled Internal (LAN) IP Address column, select yes.
2.Enter the IP address for incoming packets on the selected WAN interface.
3.To save your settings, click Apply. - or -
Continue to define NAT and/or NAPT setting.