SpeedStream Router User Guide
Media interface specifications | 58 | |
Medium firewall security level | 27 | |
Minimum system requirements | 4 | |
Minor events (System Log) | 40 | |
MTU discovery | 35 | |
N |
NAPT | ||
NAT | 24 | |
NAT/NAPT Server | ||
Navigating the Web Interface | 14 | |
Navigation elements | 15 | |
Network Address Port Translation See NAPT |
| |
Network Address Translation See NAT |
Network |
Interface Card (NIC) | 4 | |
Password | 17 | |
Settings | 9 | |
Network (continued) |
Stack | ||
NIC installation | 7 | |
O |
Off firewall security level | 27 | |
P |
Packets |
Attack Detection System | ||
Outbound (Custom IP Filter) | 31 | |
Ping of Death (ADS) | 34 | |
Plug and Play | 8 | |
| |
Port Forwarding |
Configuration | ||
Configuration Data Sheet | 54 | |
Status | 43 | |
POST failure | 48 | |
Power specifications | 58 | |
Connections | 17, 24, 37 | |
Encapsulation method | 66 | |
Login |
| |
Sessions | 17 | |
Technical Concepts | 65 | |
Primary Server Address (Time Client) | 23 | |
Processor | 4 | |
Protocol encapsulations | 44 | |
Public and Private Networks and the Use of NAPT | .............67 | |
Push flag (ADS) | 34 |
pwr LED | 42, 48 |
R |
RAM | 4 |
37 | |
Reboot | 40 |
Recording system settings | 4 |
Red pwr LED | 48 |
Redirect selected protocol/service | 25 |
34 | |
Request for Comment (RFC1483) | 66 |
Require admin login | 16, 17, 22 |
Reset button | |
Resetting the router | 42 |
Resolving specific issues | 48 |
RFC 1483 | 36, 67 |
RFC 2684 | 36, 67 |
RIP | |
Active mode | 38 |
Configuration Data Sheet | 56 |
Interface | 39 |
RIP version 1 | 38 |
RIP version 2 | 39 |
RIP versions 1 and 2 | 39 |
RIPv1 | 38 |
Routes | 47 |
Routing |
Table | 38, 47 |
Specifications | 58 |
Routing Information Protocol See RIP |
Rule numbering | 65 |
Running diagnostics tests | 40 |
S |
Safety Guidelines | 3, 4 |
Same source and destination address (ADS) | 34 |
Save settings button (interface navigation) | 16 |
Saving new settings (ADS) | 35 |
Screen navigation elements | 15 |
Secondary Server Address (Time Client) | 23 |
Security (firewall) | 3, |
Selecting |
ICMP rule options (Custom IP Filter Rules) | 32 |
Firewall security level | 28 |
Protocol (Port Forwarding) | 25 |
Service by name (Port Forwarding) | 25 |
Self (DHCP) | 20 |
Service name (PPP Login) | 18, 25, 56 |
Session tracking | 3 |