5After the CD completes the hardware scan, you can also detect other drivers and utilities. Under Search Criteria, select the appropriate categories from the System Model, Operating System, and Topic
A link or links appear(s) for the specific drivers and utilities used by your computer.
6Click the link of a specific driver or utility to display information about the driver or utility that you want to install.
7Click the Install button (if present) to begin installing the driver or utility. At the welcome screen, follow the screen prompts to complete the installation.
If no Install button is present, automatic installation is not an option. For installation instructions, either see the appropriate instructions in the following subsections, or click Extract, follow the extracting instructions, and then read the readme file.
If instructed to navigate to the driver files, click the CD directory on the driver information window to display the files associated with that driver.
Manually Reinstalling Drivers
1After extracting the driver files to your hard drive as described in the previous section, click the Start button and
2Click Properties.
3Click the Hardware tab and click Device Manager.
6Click the Driver tab and click Update Driver.
7Click Install from a list or specific location (Advanced) and click Next.
8Click Browse and browse to the location to which you previously copied the driver files.
9When the name of the appropriate driver appears, click Next.
10Click Finish and restart your computer.
Resolving Software and Hardware Incompatibilities
If a device is either not detected during the operating system setup or is detected but incorrectly configured, you can use the Hardware Troubleshooter to resolve the incompatibility.
To start the Hardware Troubleshooter:
1Click the Start button and click Help and Support.
2Type hardware troubleshooter in the Search field and click the arrow to start the search.
Solving Problems