3If you run a test from the Custom Test or Symptom Tree option, click the applicable tab described in the following table for more information.
Tab | Function |
Results | Displays the results of the test and any error conditions |
| encountered. |
Errors | Displays error conditions encountered, error codes, and |
| the problem description. |
Help | Describes the test and may indicate requirements for |
| running the test. |
Configuration | Displays your hardware configuration for the selected |
| device. |
| The Dell Diagnostics obtains configuration information |
| for all devices from system setup, memory, and various |
| internal tests, and it displays the information in the |
| device list in the left pane of the screen. The device list |
| may not display the names of all the components |
| installed on your computer or all devices attached to your |
| computer. |
Parameters | Allows you to customize the test by changing the test |
| settings. |
4When the tests are complete, close the test screen to return to the Main Menu screen. To exit the Dell Diagnostics and restart the computer, close the Main Menu screen.
Error Messages
If the message is not listed, see the documentation for the operating system or the program that was running at the time the message appeared.
T H E F I L E B E I N G C O P I E D I S T O O L A R G E F O R T H E D E S T I N A T I O N D R I V E — The file that you are trying to copy is too large to fit on the disk, or the disk is too full. Try copying the file to a different disk or use a larger capacity disk.
AF I L E N A M E C A N N O T C O N T A I N A N Y O F T H E F O L L O W I N G C H A R A C T E R S : \ / : * ? “ < > — Do not
use these characters in filenames.
I N S E R T B O O T A B L E M E D I A — The operating system is trying to boot to a nonbootable floppy disk or CD. Insert a bootable floppy disk or CD.
Solving Problems