3.10 Set Password
Using Password to set a password that will be used exclusively on the system. To specify a password, highlight the type you want and press <Enter>.
The Enter Password: message prompts on the screen. Type the password, XSWRHLJKWFK U FWHUVLQOHQJWK QGSUHVV(QWHU!$QGWKHV\VWHPFRQ¿UPV your password by asking you to type it again. After setting a password, the screen automatically returns to the main screen.
To disable a password, just press the <Enter> key when you are prompted WRHQWHUWKHS VVZRUG$PHVV JHZLOOFRQ¿UPWKHS VVZRUGWR HGLV OHG Once the password is disabled, the system will boot, then you can enter BIOS Setup freely.
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