American Megatrends MAN-STOR-ITX27-CLI manual Disclaimer

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This manual describes the operation of the American Megatrends StorTrends® iTX Software. Although efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of the information contained here, American Megatrends expressly disclaims liability for any error in this information, and for damages, whether direct, indirect, special, exemplary, consequential or otherwise, that may result from such error, including but not limited to the loss of profits resulting from the use or misuse of the manual or information contained therein (even if American Megatrends has been advised of the possibility of such damages). Any questions or comments regarding this document or its contents should be addressed to American Megatrends at the address shown on the inside of the front cover.

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viStorTrends® iTX Software CLI (Command Line Interface) (Version 2.7) User’s Guide

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MAN-STOR-ITX27-CLI 06/07/2010 Revision History Preface Table of Contents Limited Warranty Limitations of LiabilityTechnical Support Disclaimer Accessing CLI PrefaceOverview of CLI Initial Setup NIC-1Volume Configuration This will list the available RAID LD’s present in the systemPage Similarly a SAN volume can be created as follows To create a target, use the following commandsThen, to enable the target, use the syntax below Next step is to activate a port for iSCSI trafficCommand Set ChapterFor example To find out how the show command works, type CLIshow -h EnterAlert Configuration These commands configure the way alerts are generatedDate/Time Configuration Domain ConfigurationThese commands configure the time zone and date Event log Commands These commands display or clear the event logFirewall Configuration These commands configure the network firewall optionsGeneral Server Configuration Health ConfigurationThese commands get the health information ISCSI Configuration Command Argument Description License configuration These commands configure the LicenseNetwork Controller Configuration NAS Quota Configuration NAS User / Group Configuration List retrieved will be given for both instead of singlyFor exmaple set -t user -u test1 -p test1 -f Test1 ug Protocol Configuration RAID & Disk Management Commands Command Argument Description Upgrades the firmware for a Share, Directory & ACL Configuration These commands work on NAS shares and directoryLevel for NT These commands configure the System controls System Control ConfigurationVolume and Snapshot Commands 3provisiontype 0-ThinCommand Argument Description Command Argument Description UPS Configuration These commands configure the UPS for power managementXml For example update -l c0v0 -p 50 -m Syncreplica Synchronous replicationFor example For example Update -l c0v0 -p 50 -m Update -l c0v0 -g rg0 syncreplicaThese commands configure asynchronous replication Asynchronous ReplicationUtilization bandwidth utilization Command Argument Description Failedduetorollback Command Argument Description Command Argument Description Command Argument Description Example Journal Volume ManagementThese commands configure a journal and journal file Example Get -t journalfile -c Cont0 -f jf0 journalPage These commands are used as part of recovery wizard Recovery WizardThese commands are to view cdp for journal file Continuous Data ProtectionList the tasks in report, pending These commands are used as part of SRMStorage Resource Management Workflow queueThese commands are used as part of snap validation Local and Replicated Snapshot validationPage Appendix a Error Codes Code 175 Error in mounting the share 338 License file read write error Code Code Code Code Description Code Description Code Description