The party line sequence can be sent using the dumb terminal. Caution must be used because any typo’s cannot be corrected with a backspace, as is possible in the single axis mode. You must cancel with the ESCape and start over. Remember ESC is a global abort character.
Party Line Startup
The programmer can verify the presence of the axis on power up by:
1.Sending a linefeed<lf> character.
2.Sending a good “name” character.
3.Waiting for echo of same name.
4.Sending a <lf>.
5.Repeating 2 thru 5 for each axis in system.
Command Example
The following example assumes two controllers are connected with name assignments of “X” and “Y.” The characters are echoed back to the host as a handshake function. The host awaits each individual character. Timeout routines should be used to prevent processor
Index 1000 steps for axis X
Output from Host:X + 1 0 0 0 (LF)
Response from named controller: X + 1 0 0 0 (LF)
Index 500 steps for axis Y |
| Y | - | 5 | 0 0 (LF) |
Output from Host: | |||||
Response from named controller: | Y - 5 | 0 | 0 | (LF) |
Read Motion Status
The returned decimal value (xx, yy) represents the motion status. When both least significant bits are zero (“and” with 3), the motion is stopped.
Output from Host: |
| X ^ | (LF) | |
Response from named controller: | X | ^ | xx | (LF) | |
Output from Host: |
| Y ^ | (LF) | |
Response from named controller: | Y | ^ | yy | (LF) |
Read Position
Input from Host:X Z (LF)
Response from named controller: X Z 1000 (LF)
Note: Response is the position data requested from axis X. The handshake must be
Example: the +1000 command
Host sends “X”, host waits for “X” echo.
Host sends “+”, host waits for “+” echo.
Host sends “1”, host waits for “1” echo.
Host sends “0”, host waits for “0” echo.
Host sends “0”, host waits for “0” echo.
Host sends “0”, host waits for “0” echo.
Host sends “LF”; host waits for “L” echo.
Example: Read Position
Host sends “X”, host waits for “X” echo. Host sends “Z”; host waits for “Z” echo. Host sends “LF”; host waits for “LF” echo.
While waiting for the LF the host receives the “1000” data and stores it into the position value.
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