Symptom | PossibleCause | WhatToDo |
E10 is displayed after | Configuration dip switch is in | Turn Dip Switch #1 to on position |
turning on unit | the off position | as defined on page 13 |
When turned on, the | No AC utility power present | Check utility input power and |
unit operates in battery | and unit Cold start function is | contact local service company if |
mode only | enabled | required to correct utility problem |
The unit switches from | The fluctuation of the input utility | Check the input utility condition. |
normal to battery mode | voltage or frequency is beyond | Adjust Sync Range to 3Hz. |
frequently | the preset guidelines | Contact loacal service personnel if |
| utility remains bad |
The unit switches to | The unit may be overloaded | Verify if the load may be affected |
bypass mode | periodically by a random load | by a printer or excessive loading |
occasionally and then | increase | such as numerous phones etc. |
switches back |
| remove excessive load to eliminate |
Diagnostic codes for 700VA and 1KVA
The 700VA and 1000VA units use LED displays to notify the User of an error detected by the internal diagnostics system. The letter "E" is assumed and is not displayed on the LED graph. The top row of LED's indicate the first number of the "diagnostic error" code. As an example: if the third LED is illuminated, the first character of the "diagnostic error" code is 3. The second row of LED's indicates the second number in the diagnostic error code. As an example: if the second LED is illuminated, the second character of the "diagnostic error" code is 2. These examples would provide an diagnostic error message of E32 with the "E" assumed for all error codes. A sample of E32 is shown below for your reference.