Unit Input Icon: When selected, this will display the selected item for the input from utility.
Unit Output Icon: When selected, this will display the selected item for the output from unit.
Unit Amperage Icon: When selected, this will display the amps from either the input or output based on selection of input or output as described previously.
Unit Voltage Icon: When selected, this will display the voltage from either the input or output based on selection of input or output as described previously.
Unit Frequency Icon: When selected, this will display the frequency from either the input or output based on selection of input or output as described previously.
Unit Load in Watts Icon: When selected, this will display the load from either the input or output based on selection of input or output as described previously.
Unit Battery Percentage Status Icon: When selected, this will display the percentage of battery capability remaining.
Unit Load Percentage Status Icon: When selected, this will display the percentage of load on the unit.