Qualstar 501440 Rev. G operation manual Explanation, Location digit

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The Configuration menu is used to customize the operation of the TLS to meet the system requirements. The Configuration menu consists of several sub-menus, some affecting the unit's interaction with the SCSI system, and others affecting the unit's interaction with the user. Once the items in the Configuration menu have been customized, the Configuration menu should not have to be revisited, unless the configuration of the changer or the SCSI system (e.g. adding or removing tape drives) is changed.

The following sections explain the Fibre Channel menus in detail. An explanation of the remaining menu items are contained in the specific TLS models Technical Service Manual. Not all values or menu items appear at all times; some depend upon the model of library in use, other configuration parameters and incomplete prerequisite conditions.


The menus in this chapter reflect revision 2.23 of the Executive PCBA EPROM software. If an ear- lier revision of the software is being used, some menu items may not appear in the menus.

Additionally, the menus in this chapter represent both single bay and dual bay libraries. Menu items that are specific to dual bay libraries contain the words “Left or Right” or the letters “L or R”.

The Legends in Figure 7-1and Figure 7-2indicate the types of digits found in the value items of the Configuration menu's sub-menus. An explanation of each type is given below in Figure 7-3.











Decimal digit (0-9):




A Decimal value contains one or more decimal digits, indicating




the present value of the item. Examples:




Face value:




This value indicates which carousel face is currently presented to




the carriage. Face values range from 1 to 6.




Element address (sometimes abbreviated Elem.):




This value is the address used by the SCSI host to select a sys-




tem element. Address values range from 0 to 65535.




Location digit:




This value describes the physical location of a cartridge, tape




drive, etc. Examples:




A01, B10, 6B09, T1, 5F




Hexadecimal digit (0-9, A-F):




A hexadecimal value contains one or more hexadecimal digits, in-




dicating the present value of the item.




Alphanumeric character:




An alphanumeric value contains one or more alphanumeric char-




acters, indicating the present value of the item.


Figure 7-3 Legend of Configuration Menu’s Digits


501440 Rev. G

The Configuration Menu


Image 65
Contents 501440 Rev. G Fibre Channel OptionCopyright 2004 by Qualstar Corporation All Rights Reserved Important Manual/Firmware Revision InformationQualstar Corporation Table of Contents Maintenance Menu Maintenance\Fibre Channel\ Log Left or Right Status Screen Introduction Who Should Read This ManualQualstar Subject DocumentGefahr Important Safety InformationUnpacking UnpackingFC Interface Link General DescriptionProduct Description Models Type B Fibre Channel Option Product Description Drive Cabling for TLS-5/6/8000 and 58/68/88xxx Libraries Fibre Channel Option FCO Type a Installation ConsiderationsTLS-62xx and 82xx Drive Cabling Diagram Installation Installing a Fibre Channel OptionService Panel Rear View of TLS FCO Type a Installation Executive Pcba Identification Model CH0 Cable CH1 Cable CH2 Cable 10 Channel Connections Initializing the Fibre Channel Option 11 End View of D Connector on Gbic AdapterQualstarTLS-4000 FC Please Wait Status message Status ConditionDual Bay Library with two FCO’s Configuring the Fibre Channel Loop IDConfiguring the Fibre Channel Scsi Devices Interface Rescan FCO Type B Interconnect Cabling Fibre Channel Option FCO Type B Installation ConsiderationsFCO Type B Installation Component Description Cabling for TLS-412xxx Libraries Connectors on Rear of FCO Connectors on Rear of TLS-412xxxConnector Locations on the Rear of the TLS-412xxx Cabling for TLS-58xxx, 68xxx and 88xxx Libraries TLS-412xxx Cabling DiagramTLS-58xxx, 68xxx Connectors on RearRight Side TLS-58xxx/68xxx/88xxx Cabling Diagram Example of Cables Secured to the Rear of the TLS Securing the Cables to the TLSQualstarTLS-412180 FC Please Wait CFibreChannel Device Id Mode Configuring the Fibre Channel Scsi Devices Interface FCO Type B Installation FCO Type C Interconnect Cabling Fibre Channel Option FCO Type C Installation ConsiderationsFCO Type C Installation Bottom View of the Type C Fibre Channel Bridge/Router FCO Components Located on Bottom of FCO Cabling for TLS-4000, TLS-46xxx and TLS-412xxx Libraries Connectors on Rear of TLS-42xxConnectors on Rear of TLS-44xx Preferred TLS-46xxx Fibre Channel Option Cable Connections Preferred TLS-412xxx Fibre Channel Option Cable Connections Cabling for TLS-5/6/8000 and 58/68/88xxx Libraries Connectors on RearTLS-54xx, 64xx and TLS-84xx TLS-58xxx, 68xxx and TLS-88xxx Installing a Fibre Channel Option 10 Rear View of TLS 11 Fibre Channel Option in the Open Position Serial 13 Executive Pcba Identification 14 Detail of Connections Executive IV Pcba Shown 16 End View of Small Form Factor Pluggable Transceiver Status message Status Condition Configuring the Fibre Channel Loop ID FCO Type C Installation Configuring the Fibre Channel Scsi Devices Interface Rescan Configuration Menu Configuration MenuFrom Figure Location digit ExplanationConfiguration\Advanced Configuration MenuFibre Channel Left Configuration\Advanced\Changer\Mechanics MenuFibre Channel Fibre Channel Right Configuration\Advanced\Fibre Channel Left or Right MenuAlarm 3 Ch0..Ch5 Scsi ID Fibre Channel Type B and C 2 Ch0 / Ch1 FC Speed Fibre Channel Type B and C4 Ch0..Ch5 Scsi Speed Fibre Channel Type B and C Router LUNDate Month Date DayDate Year Time HourLoop Id Left or Right Configuration\Fibre Channel MenuId Mode Left or Right Topology 0 / Topology 1 Left or Right Loop Id Rescan Configuration\Fibre Channel\Device Left or Right MenuScsi ID Scsi ChannelScsi Lun ManufMaintenance Menu Maintenance MenuPrivate menu access Maintenance Menu Maintenance\Fibre Channel\Info Left or Right Status Screen Maintenance\Fibre Channel MenuBackplane Id Base LvlCpld Rev Board RevMemory MB Daughtr Bd IdUpdate Maintenance\Fibre Channel\ Log Left or Right Status ScreenAir Temp CPU Temp Type a and B FCOs onlyLog Status Screen Sample Event text description Event Code Program Label Repacking Repacking the Fibre Channel OptionPreparation for Packing Remove the Gbic or SFP Adapter from the Fibre Channel Option Channel Connections in Type a FCO Detail of Auxpwr and Serial Connections in a Type a FCO Detail of Connections in a Type C FCO Screw Locations in an FCO Type a Shown Packing the Fibre Channel Option