Figure 53: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Page
Original TCP/IP Network Settings
6.Once you have accessed the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties page (Figure 53), do the following:
Manually record each of the network settings, as they are presently displayed in the Properties page, in Section 1 of the Settings Worksheet (entitled “Current Local Area Network Settings”); this worksheet can be found in the Appendix section of this manual. Manually recording these settings is critical to the successful setup of your wireless network! You will be setting your local area network back to its original settings after testing for proper communications with the Access Point receiver.
Failure to record your original network settings in Section 1 of the Settings Worksheet will result in possible interrupted (or failed) operation of your local area networking operations!!
Note that if your TCP/IP configuration is set to Obtain IP Address Automatically or Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically (Figure 54), you will first need to
If you are unsure of how to reconfigure your network to use static IP addresses, please contact a local network technical expert for further assistance!!
Appendix A: Using Wireless Scanners with Furniture Wizard | 61 |