Rockford Fosgate 50.1 Installation, Power Connections Option #1, Power Connections Option #2, 26

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50.1 Power Connections (Option #1)





Connect to remote

turn-on lead of

source unit.

Less than 18" 50.1 Power Connections (Option #1)50.1 Power Connections (Option #2)

Dual B+

Dual GND

Connect to chassis ground of vehicle*

+ –

Connect to B+ of battery

with a 40 amp fuse.

*Keep ground connections as close to each other as possible.

50.1 Power Connections (Option #2)



Dual B+


Dual GND



































Connect to remote












Connect to chassis

turn-on lead of





ground of vehicle*

source unit.





























c o n n e c t i n g














































t h e

1.0punch cap

1 farad ¥ 20 VDC ¥ 95¡C

Less than 18"













Optional energy











































storage capacitor














































































Connect to B+ of battery

with a 40 amp fuse.

*Keep ground connections as close to each other as possible.

– 26 –

Image 29
Contents power powernew chrome heatsink 50.1PRACTICE SAFE SOUND G E T T I N G S TA R T E D TABLE OF CONTENTSPunch Power PUNCH AMPLIFIER ACCESSORY PACKINTRODUCTION TO 50 SERIES Punch PowerTECHNICAL DESIGN FEATURES XCard Internal Crossover Stereo Pass-ThruDSM Discrete Surface Mount Technology ITS Increased Thermal Stability Balanced Line InputsNOMAD NOn-MultiplyingAdvanced Decision 50.2 DESIGN FEATURES M P L I F I E R 50.1 DESIGN FEATURES Page Tools Needed INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONSMOUNTING LOCATION S BATTERY AND CHARGINGTrunk Mounting Passenger Compartment MountingWIRING THE SYSTEM USING PASSIVE CROSSOVERS Speaker Impedance TABLE OF CROSSOVER COMPONENT VALUES6dB/Octave Low-Pass FreqCUSTOMIZING THE XCARD USING THE XCARDHigh-Pass Low-PassButterworth Alignment Q = XCARD RESISTOR CHART1% resistors used with 0.047mF capacitors Butterworth Alignment Q =50.2 Power Connections Option #2 50.2 INSTALLATION50.2 Power Connections Option #1 Stereo/Mono Operation Stereo OperationLeft Phase Switch set to Right Phase Switch set toEZ-BridgedOperation Bridged OperationLeft Phase Switch set to Right Phase Switch set toUSING THE 50.2 SIGNAL SWITCHING NETWORK 50.2 bypasses the circuitry of XCard 1 and XCard Pass-Thru uses output from XCard 50.2 uses output from XCard50.2 bypasses the circuitry of XCard Pass-Thru bypasses XCard 1 and XCard 50.2 uses output from XCard 1 and XCardConnecting the BLT USING THE 50.2 BALANCED LINE INPUTSPerformance Characteristics Level Setting the BLTDisconnect Speakers from the AC Voltmeter set to AC Volts50.1 Power Connections Option #1 50.1 INSTALLATION50.1 Power Connections Option #2 – 26 –Phase Switch set to Mono OperationPhase Switch 50.1 #1/2 set to Phase Switch 50.1 #2 set to Phase Switch 50.1 #1 set toStereo/Mono Operation XCard 50.1 #1/#2 set to Full RangePhase Switch 50.1 #2 set to Bridged Mono OperationPhase Switch 50.1 #1 set to “Audiophile Bypass” the U S I N G T H E 50.1 SIGNALS W I T C H I N G N E T W O R K Xover is set to 12dB Configure a 12dB per octave filter for thePass-Thru has Full Range output only LOUDPass-Thru has Full Range output only Configure a 24dB per octave filter for the• Xover is set to 24dB Total Power Delivery RMS SYSTEM DIAGRAMS100 Watt System rated @ 4 ohms Total Power Delivery RMS 150 Watt System rated @ 4 ohmsTweeters 400 WattsTotal Power Delivery RMS 300 Watt System rated @ 4 ohmsTweeters 400 WattsTweeters 500 Watt System rated @ 4 ohms400 Watts MidrangeBalanced Line Transmitter FG-BLT ROCKFORD FOSGATE ACCESSORIESNOISE punch Energy Storage CapacitorsXCard Crossovers Symptom TROUBLESHOOTINGDiagnosis RemedyDiagnosis SymptomRemedy Speaker Output LowDiagnosis SymptomRemedy Low or distorted output from theAUTOSOUND 2000s QUICK CHECK FOR TROUBLESHOOTING CAR AUDIO SYSTEMSPreface Noise OverviewSummation Time for ProcessorsAbout the Dynamic Power Measurements DYNAMIC POWER MEASUREMENTSWhat is an Amplifier? MusicSpecifications subject to change without notice 50.2 SPECIFICATIONS50Watts 90Watts 150Watts 300Watts 25Watts 50Watts 100Watts 200 WattsSpecifications subject to change without notice 50.1 SPECIFICATIONS100Watts 200Watts 325Watts 650Watts 50Watts 100Watts 200Watts 400 WattsLength of Warranty LIMITED WARRANTY INFORMATIONWhat is Covered What is Not CoveredN F O R M A T I O N UBICACIÓN DE LOS AMPLIFICADORES INTRODUCCIÓNMaletero HabitáculoOperación mono/estéreo ESPAÑOLINTRODUCTION InstallationMONTAGE Montage dans le coffreTri-modeInput FRANÇAISOpération stéréo/mono EINBAUORT EINLEITUNGIm Fahrzeugkofferraum Auf der BeifahrerseiteStereo/Mono Betrieb DEUTSCHLinken Phasen Schalter auf 0 stellen INTRODUZIONE InstallazioneDOVE POSIZIONARLO Nel BagagliaioFase sinistra dellinterruttore posizionata su ITALIANOStereo/Mono Operation MADE IN THE USA