Rockford Fosgate 50.2 manual Phase Switch 50.1 #1/2 set to

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Stereo Operation using two Punch 50.1 Power Amplifiers

RCA Input


50.1 #1

50.1 #2


L (Mono)





L (Mono)





























L + R / L (Mono)


L + R / L (Mono)

L Pass Thru R Pass Thru

RCA Inputs

L Pass Thru R Pass Thru

RCA Inputs















Signal Input Switch (50.1 #1 / #2) set to L(Mono) for single RCA input)

Phase Switch (50.1 #1/2) set to 0°

Impedance for each amplifier should be 1Ω minimum

XCard for each amplifier can be set for High-Pass, Low-Pass or Full Range

















































Image 31
Contents 50.1 powerpower new chrome heatsinkPRACTICE SAFE SOUND G E T T I N G S TA R T E D TABLE OF CONTENTSPunch Power PUNCH AMPLIFIER ACCESSORY PACKPunch Power INTRODUCTION TO 50 SERIESTECHNICAL DESIGN FEATURES DSM Discrete Surface Mount Technology Stereo Pass-ThruXCard Internal Crossover NOMAD NOn-MultiplyingAdvanced Decision Balanced Line InputsITS Increased Thermal Stability 50.2 DESIGN FEATURES M P L I F I E R 50.1 DESIGN FEATURES Page Tools Needed INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONSPassenger Compartment Mounting BATTERY AND CHARGINGMOUNTING LOCATION S Trunk MountingWIRING THE SYSTEM USING PASSIVE CROSSOVERS Freq TABLE OF CROSSOVER COMPONENT VALUESSpeaker Impedance 6dB/Octave Low-PassLow-Pass USING THE XCARDCUSTOMIZING THE XCARD High-PassButterworth Alignment Q = XCARD RESISTOR CHARTButterworth Alignment Q = 1% resistors used with 0.047mF capacitors50.2 Power Connections Option #1 50.2 INSTALLATION50.2 Power Connections Option #2 Right Phase Switch set to Stereo OperationStereo/Mono Operation Left Phase Switch set toRight Phase Switch set to Bridged OperationEZ-BridgedOperation Left Phase Switch set toUSING THE 50.2 SIGNAL SWITCHING NETWORK 50.2 bypasses the circuitry of XCard 1 and XCard Pass-Thru uses output from XCard 50.2 uses output from XCard50.2 bypasses the circuitry of XCard Pass-Thru bypasses XCard 1 and XCard 50.2 uses output from XCard 1 and XCardConnecting the BLT USING THE 50.2 BALANCED LINE INPUTSAC Voltmeter set to AC Volts Level Setting the BLTPerformance Characteristics Disconnect Speakers from the– 26 – 50.1 INSTALLATION50.1 Power Connections Option #1 50.1 Power Connections Option #2Phase Switch set to Mono OperationPhase Switch 50.1 #1/2 set to XCard 50.1 #1/#2 set to Full Range Phase Switch 50.1 #1 set toPhase Switch 50.1 #2 set to Stereo/Mono OperationPhase Switch 50.1 #1 set to Bridged Mono OperationPhase Switch 50.1 #2 set to S W I T C H I N G N E T W O R K U S I N G T H E 50.1 SIGNAL“Audiophile Bypass” the LOUD Configure a 12dB per octave filter for theXover is set to 12dB Pass-Thru has Full Range output only• Xover is set to 24dB Configure a 24dB per octave filter for thePass-Thru has Full Range output only 100 Watt System rated @ 4 ohms SYSTEM DIAGRAMSTotal Power Delivery RMS 400 Watts 150 Watt System rated @ 4 ohmsTotal Power Delivery RMS Tweeters400 Watts 300 Watt System rated @ 4 ohmsTotal Power Delivery RMS TweetersMidrange 500 Watt System rated @ 4 ohmsTweeters 400 WattsNOISE ROCKFORD FOSGATE ACCESSORIESBalanced Line Transmitter FG-BLT XCard Crossovers Energy Storage Capacitorspunch Remedy TROUBLESHOOTINGSymptom DiagnosisSpeaker Output Low SymptomDiagnosis RemedyLow or distorted output from the SymptomDiagnosis RemedyNoise Overview QUICK CHECK FOR TROUBLESHOOTING CAR AUDIO SYSTEMSAUTOSOUND 2000s PrefaceSummation Time for ProcessorsMusic DYNAMIC POWER MEASUREMENTSAbout the Dynamic Power Measurements What is an Amplifier?100Watts 200 Watts 50.2 SPECIFICATIONSSpecifications subject to change without notice 50Watts 90Watts 150Watts 300Watts 25Watts 50Watts100Watts 200Watts 400 Watts 50.1 SPECIFICATIONSSpecifications subject to change without notice 100Watts 200Watts 325Watts 650Watts 50WattsWhat is Not Covered LIMITED WARRANTY INFORMATIONLength of Warranty What is CoveredN F O R M A T I O N Habitáculo INTRODUCCIÓNUBICACIÓN DE LOS AMPLIFICADORES MaleteroOperación mono/estéreo ESPAÑOLMontage dans le coffre InstallationINTRODUCTION MONTAGEOpération stéréo/mono FRANÇAISTri-modeInput Auf der Beifahrerseite EINLEITUNGEINBAUORT Im FahrzeugkofferraumLinken Phasen Schalter auf 0 stellen DEUTSCHStereo/Mono Betrieb Nel Bagagliaio InstallazioneINTRODUZIONE DOVE POSIZIONARLOStereo/Mono Operation ITALIANOFase sinistra dellinterruttore posizionata su MADE IN THE USA