80 Chapter 7 Command Line Interface (CLI)
Table 22 COnfig directory CLI commands (Sheet 2 of 2)
CLI command | Description |
EraseCfg | Erases the configuration from |
| As a result, the custom profile does not exist, and other parameters are not |
| included in custom profile use factory default settings. A live system is not |
| affected, because current configuration is stored in RAM. The R2MFC MBM |
| tries to read configuration from Flash memory on restart. |
DEbnc <link> <msec> | Updates the line signal debounce time. |
| Where: |
| link is the link number, either 0 or 1. |
| msec is the time, in milliseconds, ranging from 10 to 200. |
| The value for msec should be in multiples of 5. If not, then the system |
| rounds it off to the nearest multiple of 5. |
ST <year> <month> <day> <hour> | Sets the current system time. |
<min> <sec> |
| Where: |
| year = yyyy |
| month = 1...12 |
| day = 1...31 |
| hour = 0...23 |
| min = 0...59 |
| sec = 0...59 |
| If you enter the ST command without parameters, the system displays the |
| current system time. |