Setup Feature and Value List (continued)
Vert Print Align | [ | Adjust to move printed image up or down |
| on label. Positive values move image up. |
| Negative values move image down. After |
| setting this feature the printer will feed to |
| the top of the next label. |
Horz Print Align | [ 0.00 - 1.00 ] (Inches) | Adjust to move printed image left or right. |
| Larger values move the image to the right. |
Vert Size Adjust | [ | Vertically expands or compresses print |
| image. Negative values are compressed, |
| positive values are expanded. |
Print Darkness | [ | Adjust for optimal print darkness. Positive |
| values are darker. |
Print Speed | [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] (IPS) | Adjusts print speed. |
Interface Select | [ Parallel Only, Serial Only, Auto | Selects active interface while ignoring non- |
| Select ] | selected interface. Setting to Auto Select |
| enables both interfaces and performs |
| automatic port arbitration. |
COM1: Baud Rate | [ 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, | Set to match host. |
| 19200, 38400, 57600 ] |
COM1: Parity | [ None, Odd, Even ] | Set to match host. |
COM1: Data Bits | [ 7, 8 ] | Set to match host. |
COM1: Handshake | [ RTS, XON/XOFF, RTS & XON, | Set to match host. |
| None ] |
COM1: PAL Xmit | [ Enabled, Disabled ] | Enables or disables |
| messages over serial interface. |
| This does not affect software handshaking |
| functions. |
Fastmark 600 Series User's Guide | 39 |