PALTM Print and Program Language Features
qPage Description Language
qNo control Codes (easy to pass through networks, filters, etc.)
qCompatible with midrange and mainframe computers and any host or PC programming language.
qIs an executable language
§Procedures can be defined
§Conditional statements
qCan create and use simple and/or complex data formats
qCan gain full access to resident printer features
§Internal Memory drives
qLanguage is Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)
§Like HP Calculator
§Arguments first then operators i.e. 4 6 + versus 4 + 6 =
§Data passed on stack
qPALTM Coding Structure is Free Form
§All operators, objects, and data are separated by white space: CR, CR+LF, LF, LF+CR, Tab, or Space.
§Extra lines in data are OK
§Comments may be added proceeded by % character.
qPowerful Object handling
§Basic Objects: Integers,
§Composite Objects: String, Name, Arrays, Dictionaries, Procedures
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