Enlarged Printing
Codes 14 and 15
Reset Sequence
Code 16
Inhibit Line Spacing Code 17
1 9
Enlarged printing may be selected by sending both the double height command (control code 14) and the double width command (control code 15). The control codes may be sent in either order, but because of the double width restrictions, the codes should be sent at the beginning of a line.
When the printer receives this control code it will immedi- ately reset the sequence number to 00000.
A standard character line is made up of ten dot lines. Eight of these dot lines are used for the printable character and two are used for space between lines. When using character graphics it is desirable to eliminate the two blank lines so the graphic characters connect together. Sending a CHR$(17) (control code 17) anywhere on a line of data will stop the printer from putting space between that line and the next. If a CHR$(17) is not on a print line, the normal space between lines will be printed.