Toshiba EO1-33047, B-SA4TM SERIES owner manual Ribbon

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7.2 Ribbon

7.2 Ribbon

Please make sure that the ribbon being used is approved by TOSHIBA TEC. The warranty does not apply to any problem caused by using non-approved ribbons.

For information regarding TOSHIBA TEC approved ribbon, please contact a TOSHIBA TEC service representative.


Spool type


60 – 110 mm


Recommended width is 60, 90, and 110 mm.


450 m (within ∅75 mm)

Outside Diameter

∅75 mm (max.)

The table below shows the correlation between ribbon width and media width (backing paper is not included.)

Ribbon width


Media width

60 mm


– 55 mm

90 mm


– 85 mm

110 mm


– 105 mm


1.To ensure print quality and print head life use only TOSHIBA TEC specified ribbons.

2.Too much difference in width between media and ribbon may cause ribbon wrinkles. To avoid ribbon wrinkles use a ribbon for proper media width shown in the above table. Do not use a ribbon that is narrower than media.

3.When discarding ribbons, please follow the local rule.

7.3 Recommended Media and Ribbon Types

Media type


Vellum paper and labels

General use for low cost applications.

Coated paper

Matt coated paper


General use including applications that require small letters and/or symbols.


Glossy coated paper


Used where a high-grade finish is required

Plastic films

Synthetic film (Polypropylene, etc.)


This water-proof and solvent-resistant material has high physical strength


and low-temperature resistance, but poor heat resistance (dependant upon


material). This material can be used for labels stuck to recyclable


containers, so it can be recycled in the same process.


PET film


This water-proof and solvent-resistant material has high physical strength,


and low-temperature resistance as well as heat resistance. This material is


used for many applications, especially where high durability is required.


Mode/serial plate labels, caution labels, etc.




This material gives the best performance on heat resistance (greater than


PET film). It is often used for PCB labels as it can withstand passage


through a solder bath.

E7- 4

Image 94
Contents SA4TM Series CE Compliance for EU only VorsichtSA4TM Series Waste Recycling information for users Safety Summary Precautions Table of Contents Appendix 3 Power Cord TroubleshootingPrinter Specifications Supply Specifications Appendix 1 Messages and LedsIntroduction Features Product OverviewAccessories Front View Rear View# DimensionsAppearance IROORZLQJ#FKDSWHUV1#Operation Panel InteriorOptions Printer Setup Installation Loading the Media Place the Media Holder Ass’y into the printer Media Guide Setting the Feed Gap Sensor position Setting the Black Mark Sensor position Batch mode Press down the Release Bar to open the Strip Unit Label or Thin media Loading the Ribbon # 2SHQ#WKH#5LEERQ#&RYHU1## Loading the Ribbon1276=# Ribbon Cover Top Cover E2-13 Connecting the Printer to Your Host Computer WKH#5525#/#+5HG,#LV# Turning the Printer ON## 1276=# UURU#0HVVDJHV1#$6,&#PRGH1# 7KH#6\VWHP#0RGH#FRQVLVWV#RI#WKH#IROORZLQJ#PHQXV1##?8!3$1#02# 7KLV#PHQX#LV#XVHG#WR#VWDUW#WKH#SURJUDP#IRU# # Online How to Enter the System ModeParameter Setting Pause SA4TCont # ORZ#FRQWURO## „#Serial RS-232C Interface#3DULW\# Baud RateParity „#Serial RS-232C Interface# Data LengthStop Bit $IWHU#PDNLQJ#D#FKRLFH/#SUHVV#WKH#PAUSE#NH\1#Restart „ LCD Message Language# Flow ControlRQWURO,# Feed$IWHU#PDNLQJ#D#FKRLFH/#SUHVV#WKH# PAUSE#NH\1# Parameter Setting Cont„ Web Printer Function when using TCP/IP LAN 127=#„ Plug & Play# IP Address Setting TCP/IP 1DIAG 7IP Address# Restart NH\=#,QFUHPHQW# # FEED#NH\=#HFUHPHQW# Printer IP Address# 5DQJH=#3#WR#588# 7KLV#SDUDPHWHU#LV#WR#VHW#D#6XEQHW#0DVN1# Gateway IP AddressSubnet Mask # 127=#7KLV#SDUDPHWHU#LV#WR#HQDEOH#+&31# Socket PortDhcp XVLQJ#WKH#RESTART RU## +H#FRGH1## Dhcp Client ID7KLV#SDUDPHWHU#LV#WR#VHW#D#+&3#FOLHQW#,1# # HDFK#E\WH#E\#XVLQJ#WKH#Installing the Printer Drivers Parallel Interface Installing the Printer DriverELGLUHFWLRQDO#VXSSRUW´#FKHFNER1# Windows 95/98/Me 3ULQWHUV´#LV#GLVSOD\HG1#Windows NT4.0 SULQWHU#VHWWLQJV1#Windows 2000/XP +KWWS=22EDUFRGH1WRVKLEDWHF1FR1MS2QJ2LQGH1KWPO,## USB Interface ## Windows 98/MeE2-36 E2-37 E2-38 E2-39 # Windows 2000/XP +8,# 7KH#³$GG#1HZ#+DUGZDUH#LDUG´#GLDORJ#ER#LV#GLVSOD\HG1## # E2-41 Finish#EXWWRQ1# # +7,# &OLFN#RQ#WKH#Yes#EXWWRQ#WR#GHOHWH1### Uninstalling the Printer Driver+6,# &OLFN#RQ#WKH#Yes EXWWRQ#WR#GHOHWH1### +7,# &OLFN#RQ#WKH#Yes EXWWRQ#WR#GHOHWH1###Adding/Deleting a LAN Port # Adding a LAN Port Windows 95/98/ME# Windows NT4.0/2000/XP Windows NT4.0/2000/XP# Deleting a LAN Port 127# =## Others# Printer Driver Upgrades#LQVWDOOLQJ#WKLV#SULQWHU#GULYHU1# SURSHUWLHV#VHWWLQJV1#Using the Printer Driver # 2SHQ#WKH#3URSHUWLHV#VFUHHQ#RI#WKH#3ULQWHU#ULYHU1### &RQILUP#WKH#SULQW#WHVW#UHVXOW1# Print Test$GMXVWPHQW# # When using an optional Cutter Module or Strip Module Online SA4T Position and Print Tone Fine Adjustment1RESET 3ADJUST SET # Pause0FRRUGLQDWH#LQH#$GMXVWPHQW=# HHG#$PRXQW#LQH#$GMXVWPHQW=#XW26WULS#3RVLWLRQ#LQH#$GMXVWPHQW=# 7KUHVKROG#LQH#$GMXVWPHQW#+%ODFN#PDUN#VHQVRU,=#KHQ#VHWWLQJ#.313#PP# Tone Fine AdjustmentPosition and Print KHQ#VHWWLQJ#.613#PP##WR#.8313#PP .# LV#VKLIWHG#IRUZDUG1#KHQ#VHWWLQJ#.613#PP## KHQ#VHWWLQJ#±613#PP## KHQ#VHWWLQJ#.313#PP# # KHQ#VHWWLQJ#.613#PP##±1#PP1# $%&# WR#.1#PP .#KHQ#VHWWLQJ#.8313#PP# ±43#WRQHV1# 43#WRQHV.#±48#VWHSV1# PAUSE#NH\1##VWHSV.# SA4T Threshold SettingPause Transmissive#1276=# Online# WKUHVKROG#VHWWLQJ1# 5SENSOR ADJ „ When using the Black Mark Sensor +8,#7KH#GLVSOD\#FKDQJHV#DV#VKRZQ#RQ#WKH#OHIW1## „ When using the Feed Gap Sensor#0LGSRLQW# #6159# SUH0SULQW#ZLWK#WKH#VHQVRU#E\#PLVWDNH1#„# Storing a No Media Level Voltage # # 5SENSOR ADJ 3ADJUST SET„# Manual Threshold Setting# +8,#7KH#PHVVDJH#UHWXUQV#WR#³?8!61625#$-1´1### XQWLO#WKH#WDUJHW#VHQVRU#W\SH#LV#GLVSOD\HG1## 71391#On Line Operation Operation PanelOperation ResetUHPDLQLQJ#QXPEHU#RI#PHGLD#WR#EH#SULQWHG1,# Cleaning MaintenancePrint Head/Platen/ Sensors Print Head/Platen/ Sensors Covers and Panels PRLVWHQHG#ZLWK#PLOG#GHWHUJHQW#VROXWLRQ1##Optional Cutter Module 1.# 2SHQ#WKH#URQW#&RYHU1## # 5HPRYH#MDPPHG#PHGLD/#LI#DQ\1## # # 5HPRYH#MDPPHG#PHGLD#RU#EDFNLQJ#SDSHU/#LI#DQ\#Restart NH\1# TroubleshootingError Messages RESTART#NH\1##Restart #NH\1# Possible Problems Restart #NH\1##Removing Jammed Media # 7XUQ#RII#DQG#XQSOXJ#WKH#SULQWHU1#Printer Specifications 5RWDWLRQV# WHP#$YDLODEOH#IRQW# 6WDQGDUG#LQWHUIDFH#Supply Specifications Detection Area of the Transmissive Sensor Detection Area of the Reflective Sensor Ribbon Care/Handling of Media and Ribbon Symbols in the message Appendix 1 Messages and LedsVSHFLILHG#WLPHV1 # DGGUHVV#ZDV#GHFRGHG1# #PRGXOH1 #DPSOH#5# @#5#3533/#3633/#3783/#4533/#4/#/@#18/@# 127=#HVFULSWLRQ#RI#&RPPDQG#UURU#DPSOH#4# @#753#*63#/@#18/@# # &RPPDQG#HUURU# 7KH#IROORZLQJ#PHVVDJH#DSSHDUV1#Appendix 2 Interface RQQHFWRU=# PINLQN#/# $1#FDEOH=#RQIRUPLQJ#WR#9513#XOO#VSHHG# $FWLYLW\#/#DWD#OHQJWK=# 6WDUW#ELW=#6WRS#ELW# 3URWRFRO=#76/#+XQLTXH#HQFU\SWLRQ,## 6WDQGDUG=#$QWHQQD=# KLS#W\SH/#GLYHUVLW\#DQWHQQD## +$V#RI#6HSWHPEHU#5337,# Appendix 3 Power CordWhen purchasing the power cord =# $W#OHDVW/#458#RI#WKH#UDWHG#FXUUHQW#RI#WKH#SURGXFW1#Appendix 4 Print Samples Appendix 4 Print Samples QWHUOHDYHG#5#RI#8# 0DL&RGH# #&RGH## # # 566047#45#FRGH# $145# 326717#Appendix 5 Glossaries 0HGLD#DQG#ULEERQ# GHWDLOHG#LPDJH#WUDQVIHUUHG#RQWR#WKH#PHGLD1# 86%#+8QLYHUVDO#6HULDO#%XV,#Index 6WULS#PRGH###50/#04/#$805# 7ZR0GLPHQVLRQDO#FRGH###905#Page EO1-33047#